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For those of you, who would like to offer their own customers or subagents the possibility to check prices and make bookings, the solution are our XML interfaces.

Profi Tours Ltd has several standard B2B XML interfaces available to its partners, so they may automatically and effectively participate in travel services reservation process and build it into their own websites or applications.

Click to contact us to get registered in our XML interface platform and receive the documentation.

XML Hotels Standard Interface

Our “XML Hotels Standard” interface follows the regular booking process.
You can automatically via XML:

  • receive information and photos of the offered hotels;
  • perform searches for a specific period, hotels and premises;
  • make reservation, get reservation status, cancel made reservations;

In order to use our “XML Hotels Standard” interface you have to:

  • get access credetials – username and password;
  • receive documentation of the XML interface;
  • build your own XML client application, that communicates with our server;

To get registered in our XML interface platform and receive the documentation, please click to contact us.

XML Hotels Basic Interface

If you prefer not to invest in developing a full scale search and booking application for your clients, you can use our “XML Hotels Basic” interface which requires less and includes only the following functionality:

  • receive information and photos of the offered hotels;
  • receive prices by season for every hotel;

The “XML Hotels Basic” doesn’t allow to search for offers, specifying dates, hotels and number of travellers; it doesn’t allow to make reservations. It only allows you to get hotel information and price tables for your website. Then you have to manually search for available hotels and make bookings in our B2B interface.

XML Ski packages Interface

Our “XML Ski packages” interface allows you to receive prices of ski services and packages in all Bulgarian international ski resorts – Bansko, Borovets and Pamporovo.

You can automatically via XML messages:

  • receive prices of the offered ski services;
  • make reservation, get reservation status, cancel made reservations;

In order to use our “XML Ski packages” interface you have to:

  • get access credetials – username and password;
  • receive documentation of the XML interface;
  • build your own XML client application, that communicates with our server;

To get registered in our XML interface platform and receive the documentation, please click to contact us.

XML private transfers Interface

Our “XML private transfers” interface allows you to receive prices of private transfers anywhere in Bulgaria – from all airports and cities to all beach and ski resorts.

You can automatically via XML messages:

  • receive prices of the offered private transfers;
  • make reservation, get reservation status, cancel made reservations;

In order to use our “XML private transfers” interface you have to

  • get access credetials – username and password;
  • receive documentation of the XML interface;
  • build your own XML client application, that communicates with our server;

To get registered in our XML interface platform and receive the documentation, please click to contact us.