comentarios sobre el hotel:
Puntuación del hotel:
8.8/10 al base de 39 comentarios
+ Comentario de Èëîíêà ×èíèíà
30.09.2020 11:57
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2020
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Áèëÿíà Íàêîâà
07.03.2020 06:09
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Mar 2020
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Íèêîëàé Ìèõàéëîâ
05.03.2020 05:51
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Mar 2020
Áèõ ñå ðàäâàë, àêî âúâ âàøèÿ õîòåë, áè ìîãëî äà ñå îïèòà îò ÷óäåñíàòà ðîäîïñêà êóõíÿ.
+ Comentario de Evgenii Grigorev
25.02.2020 05:12
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2020
+ Comentario de Victor Henry
13.02.2020 09:38
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2020
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
+ Comentario de glen brunsden
08.01.2020 04:24
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Dic 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Great hotel, very clean and everything you need. Great choice of food. Staff very welcoming and helpfl
+ Comentario de Musat Marian
04.01.2020 01:05
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Dic 2019
Tipo de viaje: Otros
+ Comentario de Ìàðèÿ Ïàóíîâà
25.09.2019 01:57
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2019
+ Comentario de Magdalena Stoimenova
15.07.2019 06:19
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Ïåíêà Àòàíàñîâà
30.04.2019 05:03
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Abr 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Sabina Ioan
11.03.2019 10:46
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Enero 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Close to both Chepelare and Pamporovo slopes
Very warm (which is nice during winter)
Sauna, pool - no fee
Excellent food
Stayed here 4 times until now and would always chose it as starting point for my Pamporovo ski holiday.
+ Comentario de Ëèëÿíà Êàðàñëàâîâà
10.03.2019 03:34
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Oct 2018
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
Ñ óäîâîëñòâèå áèõìå ïîâòîðèëè ïðåñòîÿ ñè â íåãî. Áëàãîäàðèì íà ðúêîâîäñòâîòî è íà öåëèÿ ïåðñîíàë çà ïðîôåñèîíàëèçìà è ïðîÿâåíîòî âíèìàíèå.
+ Comentario de Äåñèñëàâà Êàëèíîâà
10.03.2019 07:39
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2018
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Òåîäîðà Íåäÿëêîâà Ìàðêîâà
09.03.2019 09:34
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Ëþáîìèð Ïåòðîâ
07.03.2018 09:08
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Mar 2018
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de EVGENII GRIGOREV
25.02.2018 07:21
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2018
+ Comentario de Ãåîðãè Ìèë÷åâ Ìèë÷åâ
25.09.2017 10:22
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2017
Tipo de viaje: grupo organizado
+ Comentario de Ìàðèÿ Âàðäàðîâà
20.02.2017 05:07
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2017
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Õîòåëà å ìíîãî óþòåí, îáñëóæâàíåòî å îòëè÷íî.
Áèõ ïðåïîðú÷àëà ñàìî äà ñå ïîäîáðè êà÷åñòâîòî íà íàïèòêèòå è õðàíàòà â ðåñòîðàíòà.Ðåñòîðàíòà å ïðåêàëåíî ìàëúê, ãîñòèòå ñå íàñòàíÿâàò çà õðàíåíå âúâ ôîàéåòî.
+ Comentario de Grigoryeva Larisa
15.02.2017 09:20
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2017
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Ðåìçèå ×îáàí
18.01.2017 10:31
Fecha de estancia: Enero 2016
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Òîâà áåøå íàé-óæàñíàòà íè ïî÷èâêà. Íå ìîæåõìå äà ñïèì îò øóìà, êîéòî ñå âäèãàøå äî ñóòðèíòà. Âñÿêà âå÷åð çâúíÿõìå íà ðåöåïöèÿ, çà äà ïðåäïðèåìàò ìåðêè, íî óâè...
+ Comentario de Ñîôêà Êàðàêåõàéîâà
22.08.2016 09:15
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2016
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
Ïðîôåñèîíàëíî è ñúðäå÷íî ïî ðîäîïñêè îáñëóæâàíå!!!!!!!!!!!
+ Comentario de Ñòîéî Ñòîåâ
17.11.2015 11:10
Fecha de estancia: Nov 2015
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
Ñòàÿòà áåøå àìîðòèçèðàíà. Ìèðèøåøå íà öèãàðè è çàñòîÿëî. Áàçàòà íà õîòåëà å äîñòà çàñòàðÿëà è àìîðòèçèðàíà. Ñïà ïàêåò íÿìàøå âêëþ÷åí, à òðÿáâàøå çà âñÿêî åäíî äà ñå ïëàùà ïî îòäåëíî. Âïîñëåäñòâèå îò ñïà äåéíîñòèòå íå ìîæåøå äà ñå èçáèðà îò ïîâå÷åòî íåùà òúé êàòî íå ðàáîòåõà è íå æåëàåõà äà ãè âêëþ÷àò äîðè è äà èñêàøå äà ñè ïëàòèø.
+ Comentario de Èâàí Ñèìåîíîâ
10.03.2015 10:27
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Mar 2015
+ Comentario de Aneta Gelova
06.03.2015 08:56
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2015
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Ïðåñòîÿò íè áåøå ìíîãî ïðèÿòåí, íèùî íå íè ïîäðàçíè. Õðàíàòà áåøå âêóñíà. Åäèíñòàâåíàòà ìè çàáåëåæêà å äà ñå îñèãóðè êúò çà èãðà íà äåöàòà, äîêàòî ðîäèòåëèòå èì ñå õðàíÿò.
+ Comentario de Tanya Karova
21.02.2015 11:01
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2015
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
+ Comentario de yolo yolov
16.02.2015 05:33
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2015
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Martin Miniov
15.02.2015 01:06
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2015
+ Comentario de Evgenia Bernardova
13.02.2015 10:02
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2015
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
vi bilo dobre ako ima mqsto za zabavlenie na malki deca.
+ Comentario de Svetoslava Kostomberova
03.02.2015 05:06
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Enero 2015
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Ãîëåìè, óäîáíè ñòàè, ïðèëè÷íà õðàíà (âå÷åðÿòà å ïî- äîáðà îò çàêóñêàòà),ðàçíîîáðàçèå íà ïëîäîâå, ëþáåçåí ïåðñîíàë. Áèõ ïîñåòèëà õîòåëà ïàê è áèõ ãî ïðåïîðú÷àëà.
+ Comentario de Æèâêî Êîñòàäèíîâ
18.01.2015 02:56
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Enero 2015
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Ïîñåòèõìå õîòåëà â íà÷àëîòî íà çèìàòà. Ïðåäè ðåçåðâàöèÿ èçïîëçâàõìå èíòåðíåò çà äà íàáàâèì íóæíàòà èíôîðìàöèÿ çà òîâà êúäå äà îòñåäíåì çà íåëêîäíåâíàòà ñè ïî÷èâêà íà Ïàìïîðîâî. Èíôîðìàöèÿòà êîÿòî íàìåðèõìå â èíòåðíåò çà õîòåë Ðîäîïñêè Äîì ñå îêàçà äîñòàòú÷íà äà ðåøèì ÷å èñêàìå äà áúäåì òåõíè ãîñòè. Ðåçåðâèðàõìå è ïëàòèõìå âñè÷êî îíëàéí áåç äà ñå íàëàãà äà ñå çàíèìàâàìå ñ ïàðè èçîáùî.
Îñòàíàõìå ïðèÿòíî èçíåíàäàíè îò óñëîâèÿòà êîèòî íàìåðèõìå òàì. Ïúðâîòî íåùî êîåòî âåäíàãà íè íàïðàâè âïå÷àòëåíèå áåøå òîâà, ÷å íå ñìå áåçðàçëè÷íè íà íèêîè îò ïåðñîíàëà. Ëþáåçíè è ïîëåçíè ñà íåùàòà êîåòî ïðåâðúùàò äåíÿ òè â èñòèíñêà ïî÷èâêà. Äðóãîòî íåùî êîåòî àâòîìàòè÷íî îòáåëÿçîõìå êàòî ïîëîæèòåëíî å òîâà ÷å â ñðàâíåíèå ñ âñè÷êè îñòàíàëè õîòåëè â êîèòî ñìå áèëè ïðåäè òîâà, â òîçè õîòåë òåìïåðàòóðàòà áåøå âèñîêà è ïîñòîÿííà íàâñÿêúäå è áåøå òîëêîâà òîïëî ÷å íàøåòî ìàëêî ìîìè÷åíöå ìîæåøå äà ñå ðàçõîæäà èç öåëèÿ õîòåë ïî êúñ ðàêàâ. Õóáàâ áàñåéí è äæàêóçè. Ñòðàõîòíè ÿñòèÿ çà çàêóñêà è âå÷åðÿ.
Òîçè õîòåë áåøå åäèí îò ìàëêîòî â êîèòî ñå çàêàíèõìå ÷å ùå ñå âúðíåì îòíîâî ïðè âúçìîæíîñò.
+ Comentario de Atanas Atanasov
24.08.2014 10:54
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2014
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
Áëàãîäàðèì çà ÷óäåñíîòî ïîñðåùàíå è ãðèæè îò ñòðàíà íà ïåðñîíàëà! Ãîðåùî ïðåïîðú÷âàìå!
+ Comentario de Desislava Petkova
23.08.2014 05:12
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2014
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Áèõ ïðåïîðú÷àëà äà ñå îáúðíå âíèìàíèå íà åë.ñèñòåìà è/èëè íà ïðîòèâîïîæàðíàòà. Åäíà îò äâåòå èçäàâà ïîñòîÿíåí äîëîâèì øóì.
+ Comentario de ZLATKO IVANOV
04.03.2014 06:45
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2014
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Vitan Vitanov
01.03.2014 07:37
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Febr 2014
Tipo de viaje: solo de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Polina Yotova
28.07.2008 03:01
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2008
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Was one of the best trips I had ever! I spent there just a night but what a night! My family and my husband decided to go to celebrate a personal event there and we were happy with our choice:) I even learned to swim in the hotel pool which is huge and really clean! The best part of the stay was that we were one of the few guests and that means wasn't crowded as we like it;) The restaurant was a small issue but we survived after eating there:) Th breakfast was great and warm. The hotel room was large and comfortable - we had a bath tube in the bathroom and a small balcony.
+ Comentario de Wendy Wolt
14.02.2008 02:44
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Dic 2007
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
The recently opened 4 star hotel offers a restaurant, lobby bar, nightclub, indoor swimming pool, sauna, whirlpool bath, Spa centre, laundry & dry cleaning service and safety deposit boxes (at local charge). In addition guests can enjoy the local town restaurants and pubs.
A beautiful hotel with bright, knowledgable and happy to help staff....Wonderful setting with a bridge over the river running down into the town....A small shop and bars immediatly outside the hotel....and restaurants a stride away meant you can have a great stay here.....
The open fire and comfy lobby bar were very homely and welcoming after being out on the slopes........
The rooms are well equiped and of a good size......very warm with sat. TV....the bathrooms had a large bath and piping endless hot shower curtain tho' more of a wet room..
The evening buffet dinner was very hearty and plenty of choice for everyone ..the early breakfast had a great choice of varieties hot and cold forfilling everymans need to be set up for the hard day ahead skiing...........
We were very fortunate to stay over the New Year and were in awe of the welcoming dinner and entertainment which lasted thru into the early hours.......
The health spa and gym were vey well equiped we only used the pool which was a very good size for lengths....
Other activies in the resort were excellent including the ski schools Ski doo bikes ...husky sleighs and sledges...
The shuttle bus ran to the slopes regularly and also by request with no problems whatso ever........
+ Comentario de Beth Fuller
22.01.2008 08:45
Fecha de estancia: Enero 2008
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
Me and my partner stayed at the Rhodopi Home from 12th - 19th January 08 for our first skiing trip.
After not being able to find any review on this hotel before going I booked it and hoped for the best, as usually I like to do a bit of research!
Rooms: The rooms in the hotel are fine, not luxurious but not too basic. There are balconies but if you are going during the cold months, you won't be using them! There is a bath and shower, hot water was always available when we returned from skiing. Maid came in everyday to make the bed and change the towels.
Staff: The staff in the hotel were a big issue. Their English is very poor, and there were a few times I just gave up as they had no idea what I was saying to them. I also found the staff were quite rude, and we even saw some of the restaurant staff laughing at us when we were counting out some change to tip them (needless to say they never got that)!
Food: Another major problem, and possible health hazard in the hotel was the restaurant. The restaurant is very small, having around 12 tables, which wasn't a problem for us but I can imagine it being an issue at peak times. Also, as with other places in the hotel, the staff did not speak English and quite often bought you the wrong drink as they misunderstood what you asked for. Now to the food. The food was by far the worst I have had at a hotel, breakfast - unusually rock hard fried eggs, boiled eggs, eggy bread and scrambled egg, hotdog sausages and unusual looking bacon. We just had toast every morning. Evening meal was not much better, the soup to start was ok, but the main courses were questionable and nothing was labelled so you had no idea what you were eating!
Facilities: We did not use any of the facilities in the hotel i.e. swimming pool, massage so cannot really comment on them. However, the only reason we did not use the massage facilities was because we couldn't find anyone in the beauty area to help us.
Resort: Chepelare is a small town, unaffected by tourism which has its good and bad points. On a negative note, you did feel stared at when walking around the town, or going into shops. On a more positive note, one of the ski instructors took us to a traditional non-tourist restaurant and we had a lovely time, with gorgeous food and drink, and friendly staff.
+ Comentario de kalina
10.01.2008 10:27
Rhodopi Home Hotel
Jas sega na 12 odam na istoto mesto i vo istiot hotel.I edvaj cekam da idam
+ Comentario de Ronnie Hewie
31.12.2007 12:43
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Dic 2007
Tipo de viaje: grupo organizado
We flew into Plovdiv Airport that makes East Midlands look like Heathrow! It is very small with a small tea bar and even smaller gift shop. The transfer to the hotel takes about an hour and a half. The Rhodopi Home is in a small town called Chepelare, which is about 10km from the main resort of Pamporovo.
This was no problem at all for us as there are plenty of local bars that also serve food within walking distance of the hotel. It is also about a third cheaper in Chepelare than in Pamporovo. We were paying about 1 - 1.40 lev (40p -50p!) for half a litre of local beer, with a freshly cooked pizza in a woodfire oven being about 2 - 4 lev (80p - £1.60!). The bars are very rustic but we found the locals in Chepleare to be very friendly and accomodating despite their limited English speaking.
There is a bar right opposite the hotel, next to the river, called the Exotic Bar. The owner, Danscho, was absolutely fantastic. We were only the second group of tourists he had ever had in his bar but he made us feel very welcome. Seven of us spent one evening in their from 5pm through until 1am and the drinks bill came to a whopping £45!!! It was a great night and he even let me plug my ipod into his stereo and have our very own Chrsitmas party, fantastic! This place is well worth a visit.
The hotel itself is very comtortable and they are obviously still trying to adjust to Western European ways. For example, Bulgarians do not eat their food piping hot but like warm. They will gladly heat your food up to your liking though. The food in the hotel is ok by Bulgarian standards, although their cuisine is quite bland.
The rooms were very comfortable. You have to pay 5 leva per day for the use of your room safe. The pool in the hotel was quite cold and you have to pay 5 leva to use the hot tub, sauna and steam room, the latter being very nice. The gym is also well appointed.
The lobby / bar area of the hotel can be very smokey as you are still allowed to smoke in enclosed spaces in Bulgaria. The same goes for most bars aswell.
The hotel provides a complimentary coach to take you to and from the slopes of Pamporovo each morning and afternoon. This takes about 20 - 25 minutes.
We were very lucky because they'd had some early snow this year which meant that conditions on the piste were excellent at the start of the week, although the lower slopes did begin to thaw towards the end of the week.
We purchased our lift passes in the resort. I would recommend that you pre-purchase via your travel agents before you travel as this works out about 30% cheaper. We unfortunately were not given the option prior to travelling.
Ski / Board hire is also cheaper if you pre-book.
We had our boards and equipment from the Snow Shack and the ski's from the shop next door. Both places were very helpful.
One member of our group had never ski'd before and had two days of one to one lessons. This was very cheap, about 160 lev per day (£50 - £60), and the tuition was excellent.
The slopes are good for beginners and intermediate standard skiiers and boarders. Some of the lifts could do with updating, but they did not cause us any problems.
Eating and drinking on the slopes is reasonable with a pizza or Cheeseburger costing about £5 with beer being about £2 for half a litre.
We only went into the main town of Pamporovo on one afternoon. There are a few nice bars with prices comparitive to the UK.
Hotels in Chepelare
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- Cámara web en vivo de Chepelare - la parte superior de la zona de esquí