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Hotels in Pleven

Yacht tourism to be developed on the river Danube

Anita Valentinova, source:, 25.10.2008

The only one river yacht harbour will be constructed in the village Baikal, Pleven area, announced Pleven regional governor Tsvetko Tsvetkov. As a result, yacht tourism opportunities will be revealed. The preparation for the future work has already begun and the harbour will have functioned by the end of the year. Local administration supports the idea for the restoration of the statute of Baikal as a tourist object owing to its unique flora and fauna. Mr.Tsvetkov assumed that more tourists can be attracted to visit Pleven if ports alongside Danube River will be renovated. Full renovation of the ports in Nikopol and Somovit has started. There is an idea to construct a bridge between Zagrajden and Korabiq since there was a bridge during Roman period. Romanian cities are willing to take part in such projects and to collaborate with Bulgarian cities. It is expected that the work of the active port in Nikopol will grow significantly after the opening of the ferry complex Nikopol-Turnu Magurele. In spite of the poor conditions, Nikopol welcomes over 10 000 tourists. Most of them are from Western Europe. According to Pleven regional governor, the renovation of the harbour will result in increasing the number of tourists who pass through Pleven. See source here Photos:Anita Valentinova

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