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Hotels in Sofia

Sofia web cam - live video from Sofia

Sofia city webcam, Rodina hotel - live streaming

Live streaming Sofia webcam, overlooking the Russian monument in Sofia, Alexander Nevski Cathedral and the city centre - 3 visitors online. The cam is located on the highest building in Bulgaria - Rodina hotel - and shows a magnificent view on the city.

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Live Webcam at 12:18 Sofia Local Time - 3 visitors online. Refresh

Sofia city, Bulgaria webcam - live updated

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Sofia web cam archive  

Below you can find archive snapshots from the webcam. Web cam shapshots are archived at every 15 or 20 minutes since the launch of the sofia web camera. Click on the links to view a flash slideshow of the archive web cam images.

 → Sofia web cam - 30.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 29.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 28.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 27.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 26.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 25.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 24.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 23.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 22.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 21.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 20.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 19.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 18.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 17.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 16.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 15.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 14.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 13.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 12.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 11.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 10.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 09.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 08.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 07.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 06.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 05.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 04.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 03.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 02.12.11
 → Sofia web cam - 01.12.11

November 2011 archive   

2010 archive


roumen canada - Canada, 24.09.2010 09:58

lubim grad!! - Canada, 12.06.2010 23:49

I adore Sofia and the people. Is it possible to wish yourself there? I say YES - Canada, 12.06.2010 23:14

I adore Sofia and the people. Is it possible to wish yourself there? I say YES

Ademir - Brazil, 25.04.2010 18:52

Gostaria de ver os acontecimentos na hora ao vivo.
Ademir - SP - Brasil

waseem - Pakistan, 19.04.2010 00:23


ioaness - Sweden, 09.04.2010 02:55

az iska otvoreno jk liulin-kv filipovci moje da ili ne?

skype:spider_man_rulz - Bulgaria, 26.02.2010 05:28

аз съм си тук в България и много я обичам но нещата отиват натам че и аз трябва да излизам по чужбина тук в София няма много пари по време на кризата :)

Ilias Mitsionis Athens Greece - Greece, 07.02.2010 23:01

Mnogo mi charesba da ci gledam tozu grad kogato vali sniak.
Beautiful SOFIA.

Pablo - Chile, 29.01.2010 19:31

I love Sz, it doesn't matter if I will never see you again

Kiko - United States, 18.01.2010 09:10

Mi kato vi lipsva priberete se,i ne se mahaite pove4e,az nqmam rabota v bg

srebrina - United States, 16.01.2010 18:00

Oh kak mi se iska da sum taaam! Mnogo mi lipsva Bg!!! Kato gledam i si mislia kolko nablizo jiveiat moite priateli iska mi se da moga da se teleportiram to4no tam !Eh...

bobi - Bulgaria, 10.01.2010 11:26

bxfjdb bh

Mario Tepov - France, 03.11.2009 14:54

Tva si e vis6a forma na moga da jiveq gledai ki go tova....eeee toa kak otne predimstvo na 5cata vidqhte li..leleeeee...I MISS YOU BG!

DOBREVA - GERMANY, 04.09.2009 23:18

Loin des yeux, loin du coeur, même pas vraie !!!

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