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Botanical garden in Sofia

Botanical garden of the Bulgarian academy of Sciences

The beautiful Botanical Garden in Sofia is a part of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences from 1947. The garden succeeds the Royal Botanical Garden, established 100 years ago, which was used to be situated in the downtown and was popular for its rich collections of rock and alpine plants. Because of the construction of the Monument of Soviet Army within the period 1960-1968, the garden was moved to its present place at the foot of the Vitosha Mountain.

The Botanical Garden of BAS is specialised unit in the following:

  • establishment and sustainability of scientific collections of plants to serve the purpose of botanical researches and preservation of the biodiversity
  • Public education in the area of natural science and nature conservation.

The Botanical Garden is national scientific institution for the Convention of International Trade with threatened with extinction species of the wild flora and fauna and it supports Rescue Center for the plants, included in the convention.
The Botanical Garden in Sofia exchanges information, seeds and information with more than 400 gardens and institution from 65 countries.
The Botanical Garden has at its disposal collections of over 4500 species superior plants which is exceeds 1% of the world diversity.


  • Tropical and Subtropical Collections
  • Dendrological Collections and Expositions
  • Thematic Collections
  • Delectus and International Exchange
  • Plant Health Service

Collections of tropical and subtropical plants

Greenhouses collections are the richest on the Balkan Peninsula. Over 3000 kinds and sorts from 60 families are represented.
The greatest in number is the group of succulent plants /Cactuses, Euphorbiaceae, Crassulaceae and etc/ which represent some of the most interesting features for surviving in unpleasant conditions.
Orchids are the second biggest family in the collections-210 sorts. When they in blossom, the visitor is admired at the variety of shapes, nuances and fragrances.. .
After that one should visit Begonias, Ferns and etc.
Many other known and exotic nourishing, medical and fragrant tropical plants can be also seen in the greenhouses.
It should be highlighted that the collection of ligneous plants comprises more than 1200 tree species and shrubs, representatives of over 40 families. Thus, this makes the richest in Bulgaria. There is also a wealthy collection of coniferous plants, including over 140 taxones of 15 kinds from 4 families.
Exposition complex “Asia”-there are 450 tree species and bushes from Japan, China, Siberia and the Far East, amongst which the Himalayan cedars, meta sequoia, ginkgo and others.

Collection Roses
This collection was established in 1992. The collection has enriched over the years and nowadays it comprises 110 sorts Bulgarian and International roses’ selections.
Collection Flowers
Since the Botanical Garden has changed its place, rich collections have been completely lost. Notwithstanding, 200 examples have been collected since 1997.

Annually the garden is visited by over 10 000 people.
It is important to mention that the Botanical Garden in Sofia is in top 10 of most visited Sofia museums.

Useful information for visitors:
Location and means of transport:
Address: Sofia, Okolovrastno shosse Str., POB 604, BG-1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
The Botanical Garden lies at the foot of the Vitosha Mountain, not far away from the Okolovrasten Put/ ‘Ring Road’ / between one of the major boulevards in Sofia -Bulgaria and Cherni Vrah.
Buses: ? 111, ? 64 – stop Boyana Residence. Route taxi ? 25 – Boyana Residence
Cars: drive along the Ring Road
Opening hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Morning: 9 until 12 o’clock
Afternoon: 1pm until 3 pm
Saturday: 9 o’clock until 3pm

Sofia botanical garden on the map of Sofia

Other Parks & nature in Sofia


michele funeva - Bulgaria, 24.02.2012 21:23

Oh it would be lovely to get inspired for our spring garden! The photos look amazing, can't wait to visit.


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