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Hotels in Belogradchik

Rush of tourists in Northwestern Bulgaria

Anita Valentinova, source :, 11.05.2009

The towns Vidin and Belogradchik, some historic sites and natural phenomenona of Northwestern Bulgaria were visited by over 54 000 tourists during May holidays (1st of May until 6th of May). Over 4 000 tourists visited the historical sites in Vidin during the holidays, announced Margarita Radulova, a historician in the History Museum of Vidin. The medieval fortress “Baba Vida” and the museum “Konaka” were of great interest. During the weekend, the fortress was viewed by over 4 000 tourists, from whom more than 150 have been foreigners. The Vidin Harbour expects more than 90 tourist ships packed with organized groups from England, France, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries during the spring and summer season. Over 5000 tickets were sold during May holidays. Margarita Radulova pointed that this was a record by itself, because visitors for the whole month of April were 3 800, and for March - 1 800. Vidin expects much more tourists this year in comparison with 2008, when 42 000 people visited the town. A real boom has been reflected on the tourist flow in Belogradchik and the region. The great interest is explicable due to the growing popularity of Belogradchik rocks, nominated for one of the new Seven Wonders of the World and the massive promotion of the rock formations.

Just for the days between 1st of May and 6th, the rock city was visited by nearly 54 000 who have come to admire at the unique nature. This is a record for the last 20 years for the small town, said the mayor Emil Tsankov. Some days during the holidays, there were more than 9 000 tourists per day. Long queues of people stood in front of the famous historical fortress Kaleto, situated near the rock formations, inside the cave Magura. Belogradchik was visited by more than 19 000 tourists in April. The rush of tourists also showed some disorders in the organization. The number of hotel accommodation in the small town was insufficient to put up so many people, and hotels were full even a month before the holidays. The family hotels and guests houses in Vidin, Kula and neighbouring Montana were also full. Guests had to spend overnight in Vratsa, which is quite away from Belogradchik (130km).

See source here

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