hotel reviews by travellers:
Hotel rating:
8.2/10 based on 7 reviews
+ Review by Tuncay Eker
25.04.2015 12:14
Type of traveller: a couple on a holiday
Personel çok soðuk (Bayan) Dil bilmeyen kiþilere yardýmý ve anlayýþ çok kötü, En kötüsü personel,
Hesabý kapattýktan sonra çay içelim dedik, Ücretli olduðunu bilmiyorduk.Kalktýðýmýzda kaba bir þekilde ücret talep edildi. Özellikle Bardaki Uzun Boylu Personel Umarým hizmet kaliteniz artar.Birdahaki seferde daha memnun kalýrýz.
+ Review by robert. w. de wolfalle
01.06.2010 02:14
I would recommend to a friend
Date of stay: May 2009
Type of traveller: alone on a holiday
yet again I find this hotel to be worth 5 star rating and well worth the experience of a first class stay in a first class hotel. Cannot understand why clients do not take the time to comment on their stay. Book and you find like me how wonderful the hotel is and the staff are really great and helpful.
+ Review by Robert De Wolfalle
15.07.2007 07:22
Having been ill for a while this comment is rather late but, needs to be said. My second visit to Hotel Ustra was as good if not better than the first. The Manager and staff were super and very helpful in many ways and, now that i am better and making another visit to Kardjali, (to visit the historic sites, of wihich there are many) i hope there is room for me to book. Many thanks Hotel Ustra for a comfortable stay.
+ Review by Robert De Wolfalle
10.10.2006 09:11
The hotel and staff were friendly, understanding and helpful. It was my first visit to Kardjali and Bulgaria and the quality of the accommodation, and service, is super.
+ Review by crystyna
05.02.2006 11:21
es un hotel muy agradale en el centro del pueblo serquita de todo lo que se puede ver.
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- Influx of tourists in Perperikon and Tatul
- Bulgarian and Dutch joint project to develop tourism in Kardzhali
- Bulgaria Thracian City of Perperikon with EUR 2,6 M Tourist Center
- Grandious construction in Kardjali
- Famous Bulgarian Perperikon and Greek Dimotika to become one tourism destination
- The ancient Thracian city of Perperikon
- New Road Leads to Perpericon
- Irishmen and Frenchmen Visit Perperikon
- Ambassadors Become Citizens of Perpericon
- National Geographic Presents Bulgaria
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