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Holidays make people happier and healthy

, 20.06.2013

A new research, made by experts from a Finnish University, has been presented at the congress at ITB Berlin. It has proved that short breaks are better option than the long holiday. Jessica de Blum, who is a doctor, has made a research to prove to what extent the holidays have a beneficial impact on people’s health and prosperity. She has made interesting conclusions that should be carefully read and promoted by the travel industry. She claims that the holidays have a positive impact on our health, but they also make us happier. According to the latest results, related to the experiences and personal happiness, people who spend their money on concerts, family holidays

and short breaks live more happily than those who are obsessed with jewels, clothes and expensive gadgets.

The holiday from the daily routine has also a positive health impact. Scientists and doctors who were involved in a major research, Framingham Heart Study in USA, have also discovered that people who tend to postpone their holiday are exposed to a higher risk of heart disease and they can die earlier than those who make sure that they take short, but regular breaks. The short breaks have a strong impact on our health. Jessica de Blum has compared the condition with the effect of our sleep. It’s not possible to postpone our need for some good sleep. Likewise, a long summer holiday cannot compensate for a year, full of work and stress. To remain healthy, we should regularly grant a holiday leave.

Whether the holiday is a relaxing one also depends on various factors. According to De Blum, 17% of people don’t feel very good during their holiday. One of the reasons is that they are stressed or get easily sick. The research has proved that some work during the holiday does not have a negative impact on the good experience as long as work is a result of vacationer’s own choice. The time flies for those people are active during their holiday and it may seem longer for them, however, people who stayed in the hotel cannot confirm the same. The results of the research can be used by the travel industry. The services, offered by travel operators, should be more satisfactory for tourists provided that travel agencies are familiar with the positive aspect of a break and they should provide info how their clients can reduce the stress levels. Moreover, travel products should be well developed in order to guarantee that tourists will receive maximum pleasure while being on a holiday.