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Hotels in Bulgaria (1019)

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Hidden Cameras Monitor Roads to the Black Sea

Standart Daily, 19.07.2005

Fliers explain to tourists how to tell authentic police officers from highwaymen. The last highway robbers hit occurred 14 months ago Some years ago, the tourists traveling through Bulgaria felt like crossing a firing ground. Gangs of highwaymen ambushed the holidaymakers and Turkish guest workers in Western Europe, transiting Bulgaria on their way home. The criminals used to hit by night lying in wait along the highways and main roads. Very often they were wearing police uniforms, which scared stiff the foreigners. Foreign media raised hell saying Bulgaria was a nightmarish place to travel through, as highway crimes happened every summer Nowadays all this is history. Bulgaria has been crossed out from the black list and the fact that the number of tourist is growing continually proves it, says Cap. Bozhidar Vuchkov, head of the highway traffic police with the Regional Directorate of the Interior Ministry (RDIM-Sofia). The last assault of the highwaymen occurred last May. Robberies stopped after the police busted a gang that "worked" on the Hemus highway, connecting Sofia with Bulgaria's northeast. Despite the fact that this type of criminality has been practically wiped out, the RDIM - Sofia has taken all precautionary measures to prevent crime on the roads. Patrol cars (only Opel Astra) monitor 190 km of Hemus and Trakia highways, as well as the main road to the border with Serbia (Kalotina checkpoint). Each team patrols 60 km of the road. Helicopters also monitor the traffic. Border police gives fliers to the foreigners, which inform how the authentic police officers look like in Bulgaria and give them safety instructions. Security was also tightened around roadside eateries and motels. At night, all parking lots and filling stations are well lit and have security guards and cameras. Travelers are recommended to avoid pulling out at the roadside when it is dark. Recently guest gangs have been on the prowl around highway restaurants and parking lots. Their usual trick is to break the car window and snatch whatever is valuable. The police received many signals about attempted crimes of this type. To guarantee safety of the travelers the traffic police are on guard around the clock. see source