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Golf Course at 11 Km from Sheraton

Standart Daily, Boriana Dimitrova, 07.05.2005

In September, the construction of yet another golf course is slated to start in Sofia, which will be situated at mere 11 km from 5-crown Sheraton hotel, investors from Air Sofia released. Under the design, it will be a standard 18-hole course. In end summer season, two courses near Bansko and Kavarna resorts are slated to be built up. The latter is almost on the waterfront, investments in it are supposed to stand at 6 million levs. That in Bansko winter resort will be initially a 9 hole one. The investors from Air Sofia deem it better to construct a sports center, for starters. Visitors will avail themselves of the basketball, volleyball and tennis facilities, as well as of those for riding and swimming. Later on, a holiday village is slated to be built up to be rented, yet the most inveterate golfers will be given the opportunity to buy cottages of their own. The first cottage at the course in Ihtiman town has already been acquired by a British family against 45,000 euros. At the new courses, the number of the cottages will match that of the holes. The first cottage will be sold at a 70-percent promotional discount. Each of the cottages will have a different look and will overlook the course. A golf weekend in Ihtiman costs some 200 levs, including two roomnights and breakfasts, two games with 25 balls, bowling, lawn tennis and a 10-percent discount at the night bar of the golf club. Yet, inveterate golfers spend twice as much. see source