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Lyulyatsi balneohotel by PRO EAD Hotel 2 of 3 in Gabrovo



From: To:
Adults: children:


Outdoor swimming pool
Steam bath
whirlpool bath
The Lyulyatsi complex is a climatic mountain resort. A characteristic feature of Lyulyatsi is the intensive use of air and solar baths, dosed walks, etc. for prophylaxis and therapeutic purposes.
Climatic therapy is the most accessible and widespread form of therapy and prophylaxis. It uses the therapeutic and prophylactic effects, which weather conditions of the surrounding environment, radiant energy of the sun and regional climate specificities produce on the human body.
The following branches of climatic therapy are used at the resort: air (aero) therapy and solar baths. Aero therapy takes place outdoors in the park, on the terraces of the complex, during daytime and nighttime sleeping in rooms with opened windows and by air baths. Solar baths possess many remedial properties as they increase the performance of various organs and tissues, improve the metabolitic process and strengthen the defense functions of the body. They also help increase the physical and intellectual capacity as well as the overall condition of everyone.
* Respiratory diseases (chronic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic pneumonia, pneumosclerosis, silicosis)
* Cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, myocardial infarction in chronic phase, ischemic heart disease – stable form)
* Otolaryngological diseases (disorders of the outer, middle and inner ear, chronic and allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis)
* Endocrinal and metabolitic diseases (diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, obesity)
*Neurological diseases (diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, functional disorders of the peripheral nervous system)
* Musculoskeletal diseases (traumatic, orthopedic and strain-caused diseases of the musculoskeletal system).

Spa center: yes
Massage: yes, free
Finnish sauna: yes, free
Steam bath: yes, free
Spa procedures: yes, free

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