The green hotel
HoReMag, 25.02.2008
To be or not to be green? This question simply does not exist anymore today. In the last 10 years the global tourist industry has launched the active development of eco-tourism. Demand for natural products has been growing each year. Some estimates show that eco-tourism already accounts for 10 per cent of world tourism; according to other estimates its share is quite larger.
Today tourists look not only for pristine nature, they also pay attention to the ecological status of urban hotels. Bearing in mind the experience of the USA and Western Europe, such initiatives will tend to multiply. According to a study by J.D. Power, 49 per cent of Europeans are more or less familiar with the eco-programmes run by hotels. In the USA this share is bigger, 63 per cent.
Green hotels are presented on the market as ecologically safe and compliant with all requirements on environmental protection. Energy-saving lighting and heating, reduced water-consumption toilets, ecological washing powders, water –based biocleaning facilities, dishwashers using recycled water - these are just some examples of the cases in which hotel owners are ahead of the times instead of moving with the times.
Where are we? What can we do in order to be on the crest of the wave of tourist demand? How to turn investments into a marketing advantage? What are the ways of making a hotel as attractive to the tourists of tomorrow as to the ones of today?
The answers to these and many more questions will be available on 12 March at the Green Hotel conference, organized by "Hotels & Restaurants Magazine". Attending the conference will be world-recognized experts who will share their experience and will make time for answering your specific questions.
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