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Bulgaria’s tourist image is being rebranded

Anita Valentinova, 02.02.2011

The popular Bulgarian tourism's logo, the so-called Bulgaria rose, will be probably substituted very soon. This reason is that a project for the establishment of the country's touristic brand has been launched by the Ministry of Tourism. The project is estimated at about 2.9 M BGN. It focuses on analyzing Bulgaria’s tourism market and the neighbouring competitive markets. A recent research has shown that the current vision of Bulgaria’s tourism logo is not so recognizable and hence a change is crucial to boost the awareness of the potential traveller.

A representative of the Ministry of Tourism explained at an event: ‘’It is important for us to find out how our customers react to the brand's image, the logo, the slogan and the overall vision of the product in particular. Most probably the slogan will be also changed. Bulgaria must be identified with something unique which is completely different from all other destinations". Mr. Yotovski emphasized that the new change should be carefully implemented, because the tourist vision is the one that can either boost or negatively affect the tourism flow. For instance, Ibiza, the popular alcohol tourism destination, has already faced this issue.

In order to properly promote and practice marketing, Bulgaria needs to focus on the major competitors locally and then carry on building its reputation on a worldwide scale. In this sense, the main rivals are considered to be Romania (cultural tourism), Austria and Italy (ski resorts) and Cyprus (beach resorts.

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