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Bulgaria Steps Film Tourism, 06.04.2008

Bulgaria enters the World guide for film destinations in the next edition of the book, shared Tony Reeves, editor of World wide guide to movie locations. In the last years Bulgaria became place for shooting of many US film productions, but also a place where many world famous stars, Oscar holders came to participate in the movies. It is foreseen that Bulgaria make contacts with tour operators who will offer local product, explained from the ‘Film Tour' company. Whole in 1999 the film tourism companies were only 2, nowadays in 2008 they firms are 103. It occurs that tourists would travel the half planet just to visit the caste where Harry Potter made his magic or to follow the steps of Lords of the Rings, or even to shop and eat in the places where the girls from ‘Sex and the City' go. Tony Reeves pointed out that every film shot in Bulgaria is first of all an advertisement of the country. See source here