Bulgaria changes its image by the development of golf and SPA tourism
Anita Valentinova, source :news.bg, 03.04.2009
The strategy for tourism development until 2013 plans Bulgaria to turn into a modern all-year round tourist destination.
Tourism revenues are expected to reach nearly 8 billion EUR in 5 years.
The aims set in the strategy will be achieved through infrastructure development, preservation and improvement of the qualities of national tourism resources.
According to the cabinet, the effective marketing strategy and advertising of the country as a tourist destination are key factors.
Until now Bulgaria has offered mostly mass kind of tourism and the potential of natural and cultural resources has not been used, pointed out the ministers.
In order to change the current image, Bulgaria will develop its cultural, SPA, wellness & balneology, rural and eco-tourism as well as the event, sport, hunting and golf tourism.
According to the expectations of the government, the revenues in Bulgaria will reach 7.9 billion euro, with the fulfillment of the program until in 2013.
A tourist is expected to spend 108 euro per day in 5 years. In comparison with the last year the daily expenses of a tourist in Bulgaria have been 58 euro.