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A book to tell the legends of Belogradchik Rocks

Anita Valentinova, source:, 20.03.2009

A book for the mysterious history of Belogradchik Rocks and Belogradchik Fortress will have been published by the end of March, said the director of the history museum in Vidin Mihail Mihailov. He also declared that rich photo material and many mysterious interesting legends for the rock formations will be included in the book. The book will be published in Bulgarian, English, French and German. The circulation of the book is planned to be a thousand copies. The book will be offered to tourists at the stalls in front of the famous fortress near Vidin. After all copies have been sold out, it will be printed again.

See source here

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Increasing interest in Baba Vida

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Excavations in the unique cave Kozarnika to continue

Excavations in the unique cave Kozarnika to continue

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Archaeological exploration of the fortress Baba Vida

Archaeological exploration of the fortress Baba Vida

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