komentáře o hotelu:
Hodnocení hotelů:

+ Komentář od bobi
17.12.2013 11:26
Doporučil bych příteli
Termín pobytu: Pros 2013
Druh cestujícího/ých: cestující služebně
ěîë˙ đŕçăëĺäńŕéňĺ ńŕéňŕ çŕ îçĺëĺí˙âŕíĺ www.greenline-yambol.com
+ Komentář od fernado
29.10.2008 11:52
les hotesses du bar sont tres acceuillantes pour les hommes seuls
+ Komentář od victor
06.02.2006 04:20
A really good hotel esspecaily for cuples looking for a romantic place to stay and it good for children too it has a park for them to play!
+ Komentář od Jasmine
06.02.2006 04:14
It is a really good new hotel with a wonderful reception and rooms, i recomend this hotel it is really great it makes you feelat home and even better, they do great massages!
+ Komentář od Frederico Gonzales
24.06.2005 04:38
Mirage Hotel
a new hotel but away from the city centre. The stuff is not well trained and the rooms a good but the "feel at home" atmosphere is missing