коментарии об отеле:
Рейтинг отеля:
6/10 На основании на 44 Комментарии
+ Комментарий от Hentea Mihail
15.09.2024 12:23
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Сент. 2024
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
I was happy to find the Park Continental hotel, where I stayed last year.
Advantageous location, a short distance from the sea and the center of the resort! The room was equipped with everything you need, a balcony, a wardrobe, air conditioning, a refrigerator, a bathroom with permanent hot water.
The pool is large, well divided and very well maintained. There are sunbeds and umbrellas for everyone. The pine forest provides a mountain atmosphere. There are swings and slides for children. The buffet is well matched with drinks specific to the place, pleasant music all the time.
The food is freshly cooked, served in a Swedish buffet style, everyone can choose something pleasant and nutritious. Coffee is served on the terrace!
+ Комментарий от MILANKA NIKOLIC
29.08.2024 01:25
Дата пребывания: Июль 2024
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
+ Комментарий от Hentea Mihail
02.07.2024 12:19
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июнь 2024
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
The hotel is located in a forested area with pines, large space for the pool and playground equipment for children, close to the sea.
I lived the experience of a wooded location located by the sea!
+ Комментарий от Milanka Nikolic
31.07.2023 07:46
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июль 2023
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
It was really nice... WE will probably come again
+ Комментарий от Hentea Mihail
05.07.2023 09:30
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июнь 2023
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
An excellent stay for people who appreciate peace, comfort, swimming in the pool, natural surroundings full of greenery!
+ Комментарий от Peter Petra
01.07.2019 05:57
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июнь 2019
тип поездки: друзья / компания на отдыхе
Great location and well worth it
+ Комментарий от Atanasiu Constantin
02.07.2017 10:24
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июнь 2017
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
+ Комментарий от Peter Petra
02.07.2017 05:40
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июнь 2017
тип поездки: Другие
This was the second year with this place, and I intend to keep coming with my friends.
+ Комментарий от Peter Petra
28.06.2016 08:52
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Дата пребывания: Июнь 2016
тип поездки: друзья / компания на отдыхе
+ Комментарий от Ксения
09.09.2014 09:42
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Авг 2014
тип поездки: друзья / компания на отдыхе
Здраствуйте! Не могу не оставить отзыв, так как многое хочу написать, как хорошое так и плохое. Начну, пожалуй, из плохого (его меньше, так что не пугайтесь): первое впичатления об гостинице резко негативное, снаружи отель нас очень разочеровал, я отдыхала с подругой. Здание еще с времён старой постройки и на фоне остальных отелей зразу выделяется не в лучшею сторону. Територия отеля огромная, но опять таки нуждается в ремонте, единственный плюс - чистота. Хотели сразу поменять гостиницу, но когда поселились в номер передумали. Здесь и начинаются плюсы. Мы жили в 3* номер красивый, чистый, ванна без плесини и грибков. В номере есть TV, кондеционер, телефон, холодитльник и на балконе сушка для одежды ( всего этого нет в 2* так што лучше не економить и взять 3* разница в цене не велика, но условия значительно лучше). Убирали в номере и меняли полотенца каждый день, постельное бельё раз в три дня. На рецепшене бесплатный WiFi. Попросила утюг - дали бесплатно. Вещи, а тем более деньги, с номера не пропадали ( как-то забыла взять из стола 3 лева, думала уборщица заберёт, но нет, деньги лежали на месте когда мы вернулись). Теперь относительно еды. У нас были только завтраки. Еды много, ОЧЕНЬ много, и она достаточно разнообразна и вкусна. К морю ити 7 минут. Пляж и вода чистые, каждые 150м есть спасательные будки, шезлонги и зонтики платные,по 8 лев за каждый, но мало кто ими пользуется, так как есть место на пляже и без них. Возле бассейна на територии отеля за всё это платить не надо. Очень удобное место расположения отеля, к центру идти 10-13 минут, через дорогу маршрутки, если надо куда-то, но шум от машин не слышен, в супермаркетах цены тоже нормальные, так как ближе к центру уже подороже. Отдыхом очень довольна, так что если вас не очень-то интересует вид отеля, не колебайтесь, берите. Приятного вам отдыха =)
+ Комментарий от Ксения
09.09.2014 09:40
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Авг 2014
тип поездки: друзья / компания на отдыхе
Здраствуйте! Не могу не оставить отзыв, так как многое хочу написать, как хорошое так и плохое. Начну, пожалуй, из плохого (его меньше, так что не пугайтесь): первое впичатления об гостинице резко негативное, снаружи отель нас очень разочеровал, я отдыхала с подругой. Здание еще с времён старой постройки и на фоне остальных отелей зразу выделяется не в лучшею сторону. Територия отеля огромная, но опять таки нуждается в ремонте, единственный плюс - чистота. Хотели сразу поменять гостиницу, но когда поселились в номер передумали. Здесь и начинаются плюсы. Мы жили в 3* номер красивый, чистый, ванна без плесини и грибков. В номере есть TV, кондеционер, телефон, холодитльник и на балконе сушка для одежды ( всего этого нет в 2* так что лучше не економить и взять 3* разница в цене не велика, но условия значительно лучше). Убирали в номере и меняли полотенца каждый день, постельное бельё раз в три дня. На рецепшене бесплатный WiFi. Попросила утюг - дали бесплатно. Вещи, а тем более деньги, с номера не пропадали ( как-то забыла взять из стола 3 лева, думала уборщица заберёт, но нет, деньги лежали на месте когда мы вернулись). Теперь относительно еды. У нас были только завтраки. Еды много, ОЧЕНЬ много, и она достаточно разнообразна и вкусна. К морю ити 7 минут. Пляж и вода чистые, каждые 150м есть спасательные будки, шезлонги и зонтики платные,по 8 лев за каждый, но мало кто ими пользуется, так как есть место на пляже и без них. Возле бассейна на територии отеля за всё это платить не надо. Очень удобное место расположения отеля, к центру идти 10-13 минут, через дорогу маршрутки, если надо куда-то, но шум от машин не слышен, в супермаркетах цены тоже нормальные, так как ближе к центру уже подороже. Отдыхом очень довольна, так что если вас не очень-то интересует вид отеля, не колебайтесь, берите. Приятного вам отдыха =)
+ Комментарий от Hristo Nikolchev
28.08.2013 08:33
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Июнь 2013
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
За трети път нашето семейство ползва хотела за лятна почивка. По принцип сме доволни, но изискванията ни за чистотата и храната са по-високи, отколкото ни се предлага. Месторазположението на хотела е много добро и затова правим компромиси...
+ Комментарий от Olga20108
10.09.2010 01:45
Дата пребывания: Авг 2010
тип поездки: семья с детьми
Отдыхала с ребенком 4 лет c 13.08.10 по 27.08.10г. Корпус 3*. Реальная цена данного тура на 2 недели - не больше 500 евро. На двоих с ребенком. Фактические данные по курорту: влажность не ниже 70-80%, а практически - 100%; ветер очень часто (50% из 14дней), 2 дня был 40км/ч-сносит; море штормит практически постоянно, ребенку не нравилось (80% из 14 дней), сильный шторм-30% из 14 дней; еда очень дешевая-но очень неприятно, когда тебя изо дня в день хватают за руки, не давая пройти, приглашают в забегаловки; были на одной экскурсии-за 50 евро ну очень скромная экскурсия!, покатались на автобусе; Бургас производит гнетущее впечатление-город после войны? Фрукты-дешевые. ОЧЕНЬ НЕПРИЯТНО ПОРАЗИЛИ ОТДЫХАЮЩИЕ - немцы, их большинство. Поведение-как будто все подряд невменяемые и обкуренные-и взрослые, и дети. Пренебрежительно-наплевательски-развязное отношение к окружающим - "мы тут хозяева жизни". Беспардонные, дети дикие (замечаний они им не делают ни в каких случаях), т.е. если твой ребенок не прыгает, как сумасшедший в бассейне и на детской площадке - твои проблемы, если его толкнут. В ответ на просьбы и замечания тебя же и делают виноватой. Боже упаси, взять чью-то лежащую у бассейна игрушку! На море, слава Богу, они практически не ходят - там платить нужно за лежаки, да и не попрыгаешь, как в бассейне, голову не разобьешь, не интересно! Молодежь ходит с проломленными головами/сломанными носами/перебинтованными руками - и продолжает отдыхать как ни в чем не бывало! НИКОГДА БЫ НЕ ПОДУМАЛА, ЧТО НЕМЦЫ ТАКИЕ. Данные об отеле: меняли белье часто, полотенца - каждый день. Убирать у нас особо было нечего. Завтрак-скучно, но стандартно. Ужин-вкусно, достаточно разнообразно. До моря 5 мин. Копус не на дороге, есть куда отпустить ребенка, не держа его за руку. Но детская площадка-скромна до ужаса. Тихо, отель на окраине, до центра 20 мин пешком с ребенком. Из положительного-все. В бассейне-полотенец не выдают, шезлонги часто проломленные. Кондиционера в номере, холле, ресторане нет - спать некомфортно, балкон открывать в отсутствие нас в номере страшно, вечером - комары, мухи, бабочки-сетки балконной нет; в ресторане в зале есть невозможно-душно до ужаса, на открытой террасе - мухи и пчелы, ребенок просто отказывался кушать. Мини-бар в номере-чудо техники, он скорее грел, чем охлаждал. Туалетная комната 1х1,5м, с ребенком не развернуться- плесень на потолке и на полу по углам. Персонал на ресепшн-безразличный-"мы не стол справок", "мы не камера хранения"-у меня это первое место отдыха, где выселили в 12 дня и до 17 дня мой чемодан стоял посредине холла, а мы с ребенком гуляли, ждали отъезда. В номере у меня украла деньги горничная (больше некому) - за 3 часа, что мы ходили прогуляться на море в день отъезда - из вещей, лежащих на тумбочке и приготовленных в дорогу. Гривны! Хорошо хоть, что сразу по приезду арендовала сейф (35 евро), там хранила все документы/деньги-пластиковая папочка с документами формата А4 туда не помещалась, приходилось сворачивать пополам! А где люди оставляют ноутбуки/видеокамеры? О том, как мы уезжали из аэропорта Бургас - просто нет слов! Давка, аэропорт допотопный, малюсенький (но отреставрированный), туалет на улице, вся очередь на досмотр размещается на лестнице на 2-й этаж, кондиционеров нет, заставляли босиком проходить через металлоискатель, а обувь пропускали через смотровой экран.
Вывод - пусть вот эта ЕВРОПА съездит куда-нибудь в Азию, Африку - посмотрит, что такое отдых и за что люди берут деньги! До Турции им еще - не одно десятилетие
+ Комментарий от Nole4ka
10.08.2010 10:40
Рекомендовать другу
Дата пребывания: Авг 2010
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
Отдыхали в отели Континенталь номер 3* с 26.07.2010 по 09.08.2010. В Болгарии второй раз, поэтому хотелось именно в эту страну из-за ее красоты, климата, достопримечательностей, гостеприимства.
Отель. Очень понравились номера: с феном в ванной комнате; с креслом раскладушкой; со встроенным в письменный стол холодильником; с телевизором и телефоном. На веранде сушилка и столик со стульями! Рум-сервис хороший, очень приятные горничные, доброжелательные! Убирались в удобное для нас время, когда мы были на море после завтрака. Смена полотенец каждый день, белье постельное меняли раз в 2-3 дня!
Наши окна выходили на бассейн и корпус 3*+. В параллельном корпусе 3* окна выходят на теннисный корт.
Еда. Брали только завтрак-шведский стол. За 2 недели конечно приедается, но всегда можно найти чем позавтракать. Обед и иногда ужин был в близрасположенных кафе, прямо рядом с отелем (на территории последнего) расположенно кафе Red&White, очень вкусная и недорогая еда. Через дорожку от отеля расположенно кафе White House – дядя Ваня всегда рад гостям.
Пляж. Расположен в 5 минутах свободной ходьбы. Мы ходили на пляж за отелем Несебр Бич. Там можно положить свои коврики и поставить свой зонтик. Или арендовать зонт и шезлонг за 7 лев каждый. Песок мелкий светлый, пляж чистый. Вход в море плавный, много отдыхают с детьми разных возрастов! Метрах в 5-7 от берега взрослому человеку будет чуть выше колена. Море читое и прозрачное. Хорошо плавать с очками и наблюдать за крабиками))) Только несколько дней были водрасли, но волнами их унесло в море.
Отель оценен мной на 4,5 из 5.
Единственный минус это то, что врачи в Болгарии лечат так, чтобы вы дотянули до вашего отъезда (в случае заболевания) и местными лекарствами. Поэтому если у вас слабый иммунитет или предрасположенность к каким-то заболеваниям, лучше взять лекарства, которые вы знаете.
Хорошего отдыха.
+ Комментарий от Adrian
23.11.2009 07:39
I dont know why people complained about the food. We stayed there on half board and the food we had in the resturant was better than the meals when we ate out.
I am glad we stayed in the newer accomodation as the older blocks looked like Stalags
+ Комментарий от sueandjohn
27.09.2009 08:14
food was disgusting,staff rude,would not recommend this hotel to anyone having stayed there in september2009
+ Комментарий от a sultan
30.08.2009 11:21
this hotel should definitly be knocked down it is filthy furniture dates back to early 19 century the food is disgusting a tin of chappie would of been better the staff are of no help at all it is the worst place i have ever seen and it is not a cheap price i have been to head office in bulgaria but they must live like that as they said that was normal i wonder were health and safety come in as it definitly would not pass in england my dogs kennel is like a palace to that and balkan are taking good money of british people to stay in a shit hole i will be getting in touch with watch dog as it is a total disgrace its definitly a no go area make sure you dont book it cause you will be sorry
+ Комментарий от UK Family
23.08.2009 09:35
DONT STAY AT THIS HELLHOLE, groups of young people partying at anytime thru the night, reception staff very rude & unhelpful, keys to all rooms left on cleaning lady's trolley while she went for her break! A charge of Ј2 per sunbed per day by the pool (that wasnt very clean). WOULD NOT recommend this hotel to anyone, there seemed to be charges for everything even a drink with your evening meal, how bad is that if you are half board!!!!
+ Комментарий от Les Bright
18.08.2009 09:14
the hotel was one of the worst ive have stayed in,the center of the hotel if thats what you call it was like two blocks of flats 150 yards long with a court yard down the middle where locals would have get to gethers until about 5 in the morning,some only about 5 yards from our room door,when youve got a young family and your trying to get some sleep its imposible,half of the rooms in this part of the so called hotel is where locals live full time,i would tell anyone thinking of staying here not to do so,it was a compleat nightmare for us.
+ Комментарий от Саша
08.08.2009 10:54
86 номеров обокрали в этом отеле с начала сезона 2009 года и это не предел. Персонал в том числе и директор к этому имеют прямое отношение, менты тоже тут завязаны, так как абсолютно ничего не делают. Не оставляйте на ночь балконы открытыми, как правило вас обворуют в то время когда вы спите.
На высоте коррупция, воровство и взятничество. Евросоюзом и не пахнет, попадаешь в СССР 90х где всё за евро. Цены поднебесные, за такие деньги в Турцию легко слетать
+ Комментарий от Andrews James
23.06.2009 09:55
Stayed at the Park Continental two years agai and was disgusting,Sunny Beach was full to bursting and unable to change hotels... it's an Old Army Camp by the way, hence tiny rooms, dreadful showers and awful lighting. Balkan use the 2 star by the way...
we wrote a full report on Trip Advisor and yet people still booked there.. just by chance THERE ARE TWO PARK CONTINENTALS, this is the one by the Bourgos Beach not to be confused with the 4 star one on the other side of town.....
+ Комментарий от LINDY LOU
22.09.2008 07:49
+ Комментарий от Ryan H
13.07.2008 11:18
Recently , Just back from the park hotel continental and just before anyone else books lookin forward to a nice holiday , Think Again ! Everything about the hotel was HORRID ! as soon as we arrived after waiting about reception for a while and being handed a little orange poke with sum sandwiches which were solid. In the apartments the dresser was crawling with ants and there was chewing gum stuck to the floor , and for the breakfast in the morning was Outragous! the plates and cups were chipped and stained but also the food was Disgusting! but for anyone who has already booked up fur a holiday from hell at this hotel cross the road from the little shop theres the most beautiful resteraunt called "The Red And White" defo recomend it instead of the crap the park hotel offer this place made my holiday alot better.
Park Hotel Continental - the most disgusting place i have been in my life GADS! and the bar staff also need to buy there selves a personality with the money they take when they short change you!
HORRID! the place should be shut down ! a few years back the place was on Hotels from Hell !
+ Комментарий от bobbie jo gilmour / miss/
13.07.2008 04:22
Парк отель " Континенталь"
as i have less to complain about as iam only 3yrs old i thought this hotel was excelent no bugs very clean and comfortable beds i loved the pool with dolphin in it & shute & swings daddy liked the mastika mummy liked to moan except when she was getting hot choclate at pool only kidding mammy food was good but they pester you to eat from they see you hotel was great if u go 3srar or 4 hope to come back sept 2008
+ Комментарий от Barbara and Terry from NOTTM
10.07.2008 08:58
terriable AWFULL STAFF IGNORANT,if they smiled their faces would crack,food disgusting,do not cater for english at all,only chips they not very good.Itshould be knocked down,I WOULD NEVER NEVER NEVER RECOMMEND IT TO ANYONE EVER.
+ Комментарий от marie mack
09.09.2007 01:17
My niece and myself went to the hotel continental.When we arrived it was dark and the ignorant staff informed us we didnt have a booking there.We found alternative accomodation(thank god)! that evening untill we could see our rep the next day.When we arrived the next day with our rep we seen the place in daylight.The reception area was awash with prostitutes as they use this dump for their clients.Their was lads playing football also in the reception area.After 2 hours of waiting for our room and no apologie, we were taken up the stairs.The place was looked like a prison,the corridors were dark with poor lighting.The room was discusting.It was filthy from the beds to the furniture.The curtains and windows were so flithy they stuck to the chicken wire that made the balcony.The light fittings hung out of the walls , the place was the worst dump we had ever seen.We dropped our cases and left to use a publc toilet as we couldnt bear to use the loo in our room.We then entered the back of the buiding where the pool was situated.The building was delapaidated and filthy.The windows were covered on every floor and balcony with filth and cobwebs. We couldnt beleive our eyes , We had seen such filth and coulndt believe it was in the brochures.We then rang our rep and got moved.We never got a refund or an apologie for the first night, however i wouldnt expect oe looking at the state of the place.The hotel Continental needs knocking down, the place is a fithy discrace just like the hookers that work there.FILTHY DISCUSTING HELL HOLE, BEWARE!!!We were in Sunny Beach in August, the place is fantastic but this hotel should be removed from all brochures advertising Sunny Beach, It is an insult to travellers looking forward to a nice holiday
+ Комментарий от Emma
28.08.2007 06:49
This hotel was terrible, its like a hostel there is no british, the rooms are horrible no air con no telly. the food was so bad we ate out every nite, apart from that we had a great time Bulgaria is a grate plae just dont go to HOTEL CONTINENTAL
+ Комментарий от Tatjana
28.07.2007 01:23
schцnes Hotel,freundliches Personal,schцner groЯer Pool und ist nah am Strand.
Das Essen kцnnte etwas besser und abwechslungsreicher sein.Preis-Leistungsverhдltnis sehr gut.
+ Комментарий от steve
21.06.2007 10:13
Парк отель " Континенталь"
best of the year
top season, top weather and tons o people n fun
+ Комментарий от kc
21.06.2007 09:35
Парк отель " Континенталь"
I am going in August 2007
Is this a good time ?
+ Комментарий от pet
16.05.2007 06:46
Парк отель " Континенталь"
Dear Katrina, you must be out of your mind...except its 350m from beach, it is greate place!! 3star hotel in Bangkok is much wurst then a hostel in Chorvatia!! And so-stars are given to hotel not only for how they look, but mostly for services, punktuality ant trustness! Then comes of c hygiene and location! Best regards Denmark
+ Комментарий от Katrine
26.04.2007 11:44
Парк отель " Континенталь"
I have not been there yet, but im going there for the summer. Is it realy as bad as it seems? at the 3* ??
+ Комментарий от Diana
28.12.2006 06:37
its better to be on the 3* part......
+ Комментарий от john lamb
18.12.2006 11:56
+ Комментарий от john dew
14.10.2006 02:47
Reception staff need to be a wee bit more smiley. 2 star seemed to be terrible as everyone else suggests. 3 star was ideal on the edge of Sunny Beach without a booming disco or nightclub below your room every night. The Bulgarian people very pleasant and trying their best at the tourism business but have a long way to go. Sunny Beach centre is disgusting . I dont want to go to a new country and eat egg and chips ,hamburgers,hotdogs,roast beef and yorkshire pudding you can do that at home. It took us three days to find a traditional restaurant serving traditional bulgarian food.When we did find one we returned two or three times. Please give the country a chance they are trying to accomodate everyone in their idea of a holiday. Unfortunately the chief of tourism must have sent a few holiday reps to Spain to see what the British want on a holiday we may only have ourselves to blame.
+ Комментарий от Gordon & Yvonne
10.08.2006 03:35
My partner and I visited here in August 2006. First time to Bulgaria.
Hotel was excellant. We booked a 3* plus accomodation.
Rooms are very spacious. Safe, Air con. Fridge. Massive shower compartment.
We were half-board. Food was good. Very cheap to eat out at nights and we did on 3 occasions.
Pool was a good size. Water clear and fairly warm.
Hotel right next to road train which takes you into the centre of Sunny Beach at a cost of 2 lev's (80 pence each).
Beach was a 10 min. stroll away. Nice golden sand, and water very warm.
Local beer 80 pence a pint. What more can you say.
All in all it was 1st class.
Well worth a visit
+ Комментарий от Laura Dills
14.02.2006 04:52
Hi everyone,
We stayed in this hotel last summer. I booked it through the Net and afterwards read a lot of negative comments about it, so I was really afraid our holidays would have been spoiled. Hopefully, reality turned to be different. We arrived at hotel, checked- in in the middle of the night and entered our rooms. I will not lie, rooms were big and nicely furnished. In fact, what exactly is one expecting for such amount of money? Breakfast was OK, we had some problems with the hot water, but it turned out one should wait about 5 minutes to get a really hot water. There is even a small forest mainly from pine- trees just next to the swimming pool, this is where children were playing. The city- train stopped exactly next to hotel, so we simply took it and enjoyed the ride. We didn't book dinner so I have no idea how exactly it was, but we went out every night, I cannot say how many restaurants are available around. I would deffinitely book the hotel again as it's a really good choice for these looking for a budget and yet "value for money" holiday.
+ Комментарий от Lorraine/Ronnie
17.11.2005 11:20
was at this hotel in september 2006. the rooms were basic but not 3*what we booked more like 2* clean towels every day room cleaned every day to.food yuck ate out the whole 2 week there.going back next year hope to the victoria palace or the globus as they look realy nice right on the beach.any one going to sunny beach please stay away from this hotel.the resort is great night life brill beach is beautifull water very warm.
+ Комментарий от john carter
14.09.2005 11:42
i i stayed here in may i was in the 2 star and it was the worse room i ever stayed at i would not put my dog at the 2 star rooms.
we upgraded and that was a little bit better. the food was appalling and my dog would not eat it it wasent clean staff was rude we seen rats and all sorts in rooms and pool side.the people what says it is good there must be used of slum and i am not posh. if any more info email me jc001l7252@blueyonder.co.uk or ring holiday uncut as this holtel as been on a few times holiday from hell....
+ Комментарий от ileen
10.08.2005 05:58
i think this was o.k we had a great holiday and are goin back to sunnybeach again this year but in a more upgraded accomodation. the pool at the hotel continetal is fab, great for kids very big and an added bonus of a pool bar. i must admit that the food isnt too great and does only have a 1week menu which repeats every week, however overall it isnt too bad. we stayed in the 2star accomodation as did the family we went with, the rooms are basic but they are clean and cleaned regulary, the bathroom is quite small though but is not a big problem. the 2* accomodation doesnt have great views from their balconies but i dont suppose that is neccessary. i would recomend this hotel if you are looking for somewhere basic and good for the kids. the staff are kind, helpful and often, but not always smily!! : ) the sunnybeach area is great the hotel is situated in a great place with the 'train' that stops right outside, many bars footsteps away etc the beach is less than 5minutes away. i loved our holiday there and cant wait to go back !!! : ) : )
+ Комментарий от Irene Russell
06.06.2005 05:06
my first impression of the hotel is that it has seen better days . The furniture was very out dated my room was damp and smelt musty . The so called bathroom was damp also with mould growing on the walls. The food was absoluty disgusting one day for my evening meal i ate sprouts and boiled potatoes because the rest of it was just awful. Apart from the accomadation sunny beach is a lovely place to visit.
+ Комментарий от A, J, E, K
18.02.2005 08:26
My/Our Holiday Opinion:
we really enjoyed our holiday and the hotel was nice but we did have a few problems.
we had confusion over our rooms but after speaking to the rep it was all sorted. Many other people staying in the continental also had the same problems where they payed for 3 star but were put in 2 star but the rep was a big help.
The food was not very good and we only actually ate in the hotel about 3 nights. Just across the road from the hotel we found a bar called the neptune bar 2 where we went every night for excellent bulgarian and english food. We got on with one of the waiters there called charlie and he was brilliant. every night there was karaoke and we stayed there till 2-3 in the morning some morings.
Many people also caught a stomach bug whilst we were there and it was blamed on the food we all had it for the last day and back home.
the kahns tent night was fantastic but if you want to go on the gypsy camp trip don't pay for a booked trip as it just across the road at the back of the hotel. It cost us Ј20 for 4 2course meals and drinks all night and it was one of the best nights.
Overall we had one of the best holidays we have and we would go back to sunny beach but probably try a different hotel but that one was good.
+ Комментарий от James Farley
22.08.2004 08:52
My first impression of the hotel that it is a very old hotel which has seen better days ,walking along the balcony to our room I thought, 101 things to do with pre cast concrete, on entering the room I found it modern and very clean with a lovely view of the pool area, the rooms were 3 star.
The room was cleaned every day and was always spotless, I had a look into a 2 star room and I have
To say I would not even put the mother in law in one.
The food I have to say was awful my ten year old son lived on melon for four days and although we were on half board we ate out most of the time.
The location of the hotel was well away from the centre but the beach was only a 10 minute stroll away.
The reception staff needs some happy pills.
+ Комментарий от jess
22.07.2004 04:40
This hotel is very clean and tidy the only thing that was dirty were the receptioin toilets, they were smelly and dirty. The food was o.k. The food was cold in the hotel in restaurants the food was piping hot. It was very hot and we were npt far from the beach. Sunny beach is very good for kids the beach is watched by lifeguards. very nice people the only trouble is when you walk out you get mithered by bar people but it was really good afterall!
+ Комментарий от Leanne
21.08.2003 08:52
I think this hotel was good, i would go there agen. The 2* wernt very nice but the 3* was i would say much better. They were clean, and everything. The entertainment wasn't that good. But there was many other things to do for entertainment, the beach excellent i loved it!!
+ Комментарий от Davies
19.08.2003 08:52
We stayed in the 3* part of the hotel, the rooms were clean and cleaned very regularly. The facilities in the room i.e satalite tv and fridge excellent for this grade of accomodation.
The public toilets by the pool were tiled in fresh colours but could have been kept cleaner and the public toilet in reception was horrible and smelly, although everywhere else was kept clean. The meals were o.k to start with however we noticed that they would appear to make somthing from the leftover meals. i.e a meat cassarole would be mousaka the next day, also the after the first week we were getting all the same things again.
The hotel is quiet a way from one of the best beach's I have ever been on but in a quieter end of a very large and busy resort. No entertainment at hotel.
+ Комментарий от Vanessa and Tim J.
15.08.2003 08:52
We were not looking forward to our holiday with it being on holidays from hell, however we really enjoyed every minute we were there including the children and we would all go back in a shot. The beach was lovely and clean including the sea, we have had holidays abroad before but sunny beach has the best beach we have been on and this is from a beach lover, plus the weather was gorgeous. The hotel was not as bad as we were lead to believe, but next time we will go a bit more up market.
+ Комментарий от Anthony Sykes
04.08.2003 08:52
the hotel was a disgrace,we stayed in two star at 525 pds each for half board, ate out all the holiday at the house,restaurant on the main road, rooms in 2star were filthy,no clean bedding provided, dirty stained mattresses,not fire alarms, balconies that were extremely dangerous, complaints,totally ignored by balkan hol rep,emmy, balkan hols siad to expect this kind of hotel on 2 star. claimed on balkan and got no where.do you want to see photos of 2star,?? the brochures only show the three star which have a tv and fridge and are not much better, understand this was old army accomodation, be prepared for power failures as electrics very dangerous. pool area was dirty as was the so called restaurant, clothese never changed and food all over them for days, if you want photos i have loads of them. the restaurant is a 5 minute walk outside from 2 star accomodation, had two thunderstorms whilst there and our room was flooded twice, we had to clean up using towels and wait until the following day to get the staff to change them, staff very rude, but can understand why, it must be so embarassing listening to the complaints all the time. do not, repeat not use balkan holidays for bulgaria, their planes are also filthy,use reputable companies and only go for b and b. would go back again, but you can stay at the victoria palace,on the beach 4 start, airconditioned, we did not even have a room fan, and it only costs pds 550 for 14 nights via direct hols, first choice and others, so check it out carefully, happy holidays. accommodation not recommended, resort recommended.
+ Комментарий от Margaret Wardley
23.07.2003 02:33
Парк отель " Континенталь"
we stayed in the park continental from 16th june 30th june and it was a nightmare!!!
we booked with first choice sunstart and we booked 3*and when we got there we we,r put in the 2*wing which is absolutley disgusting and dirty and dangerous!!! i booked 3 adult beds and my daughter who is 5foot 5inches was expected to sleep on ywo pillows on the floor!!and when i complained to the rep (vlad) we we,r told this is what we we,r contracted for , so i argued from 10,00am till 2.30pm with him that i had payed for 3 adult beds and not 2 and two pillows and that is what i wanted he was not intrested and was only happy when people wer paying him to be put up in other hotels they tried to get £320 out of us to change hotels which he didnt get they expected three adults to sleep in a room that just about fitted two beds in we couldnt even get our suit cases in the room there was no room for them we had to put them in the bathroom!!! which was absolutley disgusting the toilet seat was broke, you couldnt flush the chain when you had a shower the water came in the bedroom, and the door was so damp it was black 18inches up where it was rotten and there was no door frame that was rotten away, in the room there wer ear wigs all over and the electrics we,r hanging off the wall, and there was bare wires and the door to the patio was unsafe a lady had her room broke in and she lost £600 they just climbed up the verander and pushed the door open and outside the room in the corridoor there is about 20 rooms either side of the corridoor(40 rooms) and the noise was horrific people coming in drunk ,and fighting, and singing at all hours, up till about 5or6am so we we,r always nackered!! the food was abismal it was cold and under cooked and we got there at 6,30 as it opened at 6pm and there was no potatoes left and it didnt shut till 9pm they never made enough food for evreyone, and it always looked like a plaque of locust had asended as there was food all over the tables that wernt cleaned, the pool area was at the back of the hotel(?????) and it was a rip off you had to pat 4 lev each for a brolley and 4 lev for a sunbed even if you we,r at the hotel , i had a massage that was brilliant i must say and the staff we,r brilliant especially the girls in the front downstairs bar that is fanny and her dad was the porter they we,r so helpfull and the reception staff as well i am sorry that i went to this hotel even the taxi drvers we,r apolagising for the state of the place so i beg you if you have booked with first choice sun start or first choice sun quest cancel your holiday and go with any other company exept this one it was a night mare from start to finish """"" YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED"""""
+ Комментарий от debbie
06.07.2003 08:52
Парк отель " Континенталь"
This hotel was fine for us as we were in the refurbished apartments opposite the pool. The east block how ever was a eyesore and lots of complaints about balconies ready to collapse & outdated accommodation. ( not recommended )
+ Комментарий от Susan Wilsow
20.06.2003 08:52
Парк отель " Континенталь"
Just returned from a week's holiday at the Park Hotel Continental in Sunny Beach. I've no doubt there might be better hotels in Sunny Beach but it was alright in our opinion! It's a large (400+ rooms) low-rise (3 storey) complex with both 3* and 2* parts. We stayed in the 3* part (with First Choice), so can't comment on the 2* bits (except someone told us the rooms were basic and a bit dingy). Our room was very clean and adequate (had mini-fridge and portable tv with a few satellite english-speaking channels but no air con!), facilities good: massage and doctor on site, coffee shop, couple of bars, shop, 24-hour currency exchange, pool tables, nice wooded areas in the hotel grounds, staff were friendly and efficient, lots of restaurants nearby, food in the hotel OK, mostly satisfactory - like many other places had more German oriented fayre but a limited choice of desserts! Only thing was, no-one explained the dining 'procedures' to us so on the first day at dinner we walked out of the restaurant thinking that soft drinks and water were included with the meal, but they weren't and a waiter came running after us shouting "you not pay for drinks!" Wot an embarrassment. Nobody told us!
Very nice pool / pool bar (plenty of sunbeds round the pool, expect to pay 4 leva per person per day for them - about £1.50 - with the parasol included if there is one, not as many parasols as sunbeds). The pool area is a real sun-trap, and gets v.hot especially when there's no breeze so we spent most days down at the beach (5 min walk away) where there was a nice breeze (although that bloomin' sand gets everywhere...!) Sunbeds/parasol down at the beach costs a bit more (5 leva per sunbed and 5 leva again for a parasol.)
Overall we would recommend it, and would definitely go back to Bulgaria.
+ Комментарий от Susan Wilson
19.06.2003 12:17
Stayed in the 3-star section so if you're in that part you'll be fine. I think Balkan holidays use the 2-star section.
Bedrooms was clean and everything worked (tv, mini-fridge, shower, toilet). We were on the 3rd floor with a pool view, which was pleasant. We only saw one creep-crawly in our room the whole week, and that flew in from outside! The only downside was no air con so the nights were a bit uncomfortable. Even when we went in early June the heat was stifling (I think we dropped on a really good week!).
It was only a 5-10 minute walk from the beach. It was on a Holidays From Hell programme, but honestly, I think they made it look worse than it actually is. They did concentrate on the basic 2-star section which did look a little worse-for-wear. There were some ugly concrete bits to the hotel but it really did not bother us. Yeah it wouldn't hurt to give it a lick of paint here and there, and there are better looking hotels in the resort, but really, it's not that bad.
The food was OK - not fantastic, but adequate for us, and more geared to Germans (lots of spicy sausage meat in the buffet breakfast, but they did do bacon and eggs as well!) but then my viewpoint is what can you expect when you're on foreign holiday at a 2/3 star hotel? Gourmet 4/5 star food? It depends what you are used to at home, and I doubt most people who stay at a 2/3 star hotel have gourmet dinners at home anyway!!! The procedure for dinner was different to anything I'd experience before in a hotel - there were 6 or 8 different main courses laid out, each with a number on, and you would decide what to have then find a table and the waiter would come over to take your order. Drinks cost extra.
I should also say that neither of us came down with any tummy bugs or sickness whilst there either.
The pool and surrounding area were nice, a real sun-trap. You have to pay for sunbeds/parasols though. There's a bar, shop, coffee bar (nice coffee!), pool bar (which sells snacks also, like chicken kebabs), currency exchange, a few pool tables and some old-fashioned arcade games in the hotel. Plus a hairdressers and a masseuse, neither of which we tried out.
The staff were generally very friendly, with enough basic English language skills to get by.
There is a mini-train to the centre of the resort (10-15 minutes walk away) that stops right outside the hotel.
+ Комментарий от John
13.09.2002 08:52
Парк отель " Континенталь"
Hotel absolultely abismal, dont do it! We been all over the world and never had accommodation so bad, we were told it was as seen in the broucher, no it wasn't. Loads of people complained, Bulkan say they have lost our complaint! Going through the whole procedure again!!
Hotels in Солнечный Берег
- Галеон Резиденс и СПА отель
- Отель "Барсело Рояль Бийч"
- Отель Еден Парк
- Отель"РОЯЛ Палас Хелена Парк"
- Рояль Палас Хелена Сендс
- СПА отель "Планета"
- Admiral Plaza HSM
- DAS CLUB Отель
- Forum Hotel
- Grand Hotel Sunny Beach
- Hi Hotels Imperial Resort
- HVD Отель " Клуб Бор"
- MPM Hotel Condor
- Rena Hotel
- Sentido Bellevue beach
- Zenith Hotel
- Апарт комплекс "Рейнбоу"
- Апарт-отель Голден Рейнбоу Бийч
- Вилла „Мария Ревас”
- Гранд отель "Виктория"
- ДИТ Мажестик Бийч Ресорт
- ЛТИ Нептун Бийч отель
- Мелиа Слънчев бряг
- МПМ Отель "Астория"
- МПМ Калина Гарден отель
- Отель " Глобус"
- Отель "Аквамарин"
- Отель "Вианд"
- Отель "Котва"
- Отель "Кубан"
- Отель "Лагуна парк"
- Отель "Лонгоза"
- Отель "Меркурий"
- Отель "Палацо"
- Отель "Сансет"
- Отель Алба
- Отель Гренада
- Отель Диамант
- Отель Диамант Резиденс и СПА
- Отель Еврика Бийч Клуб
- Отель Карлово
- Отель Каролина
- Отель Лион, Солнечный берег
- Отель Тиара Бийч
- отель Феникс
- Отель Хевен
- Парк отель Котниненталь Прима
- Trakia Garden Hotel
- Апарт -отель "Екселсиор"
- Апарт комплекс "Поло Ризорт"
- Апарт отель Royal Sun
- Апарт-отель "Бриз Бийч"
- Апарт-отель "Вечна R"
- Апарт-отель Дюн Резиденс
- Апартаментный комплекс "Елит 4"
- Апартаменты "Сумер Дриймс"
- Апарткомплекс "Сыни Виктори"
- Апартотель Каролина
- Аркадия Комплекс
- Блек Сия Холлидей Комплекс
- Кантилена Комплекс
- Комплекс "Голден Дриймс"
- МПМ Отель "Орел"
- Отель " Гларус"
- Отель " Жасмин"
- Отель "Бохеми"
- Отель "Дева"
- Отель "Искыр"
- Отель "Калипсо"
- Отель "Морской БРИЗ"
- Отель "Престиж Сити"
- Отель "Регата"
- Отель "Северина"
- Отель "Славянский"
- Отель "Тиа Мария"
- Отель "Централ Плаза"
- Отель Актиния
- Отель Арда
- Отель Бахами Резиденс
- Отель Блек Сиа (Черное море)
- Отель Дельфин, Солнечный берег
- Отель Поморие Сан
- отель Сыни Дриймс
- Отель Юпитер
- Парк отель " Континенталь"
- Сыни Дей Клаб
- Феста Гардения Хилс
- Холидей Ясен комплекс
- Эфир Холидей Клуб
- Даун Парк Отель
- Apart-hotel Kasandra
- Хэппи Апарт-отель и СПА
- Эфир Апарт-отель
Солнечный Берег
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