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+ Комментарий от soceanu emilia
04.08.2024 06:25
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Дата пребывания: Июль 2024
тип поездки: друзья / компания на отдыхе
+ Комментарий от Mihai ANGHELIU
13.09.2017 11:50
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Дата пребывания: Сент. 2017
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
It was a pleasure for us, to stay in Lilia Hotel, even for a week that now seems to have been too short. The hotel staff behave impeccably, professionally, well educated and experienced in foreign languages. We were able to speak in English with all hotel employees, receptionists, waiters and chamber maids.
We don’t know if it was technically possible, but on the TV in the room, we felt the lack of even one channel in Romanian, in addition to the other channels in German, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian and so on.
+ Комментарий от Феодосий Бондарчук
31.08.2017 10:27
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Дата пребывания: Авг 2017
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
В целом нормально,но плохо что отсутствуют программы украинского телевидения, хотя бы одна. Нам обслуживающий персонал заявляет, что смотрите российские каналы. Если их смотреть нормальному человеку, зная ситуацию в Украине и в мире, то возможно сойти с ума.
И, просьба, руководству отеля провести переговоры с собственниками муниципального пляжа, чтобы ежедневно проводилась уборка пляжа с очисткой песка. Персонал, взымающий оплату,говорит, что в них поламалась машина. Анекдот!!!
+ Комментарий от Петър Петров
28.06.2017 07:34
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Дата пребывания: Июнь 2017
+ Комментарий от Анна Василева
28.06.2016 01:37
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Дата пребывания: Июнь 2016
тип поездки: семья с детьми
+ Комментарий от taran andrei
10.07.2015 07:09
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Дата пребывания: Июнь 2015
тип поездки: семья с детьми
+ Комментарий от Румяна Тончева
14.06.2015 06:49
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Дата пребывания: Июнь 2015
тип поездки: Один в отпуске
Останах доволна от престоя си в хотела. Персоналът е спокоен, усмихнат, любезен и отзивчив - от служителите на рецепцията, барманът на лоби бара, сервитьорите в ресторанта до камериерката...
Стаите са просторни с приятно обзавеждане и тихи с шумоизолация. Най-много ме впечатли голямата тераса и прекрасната гледка към морето. Преживяването е вълшебно..
Като минус мога да посоча проблеми с интернета, практически нямах връзка дори и на лоби бара и местата за безплатен интернет. Съседното заведение вдига голям шум всяка вечер с една гласовита певица, която тормози с пеенето си почти до полунощ....Но това, разбира се, не е проблем на хотела.
+ Комментарий от Goran Ancevic
04.08.2014 09:18
Дата пребывания: Июль 2014
тип поездки: семья с детьми
+ Комментарий от Анна
23.01.2014 07:21
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Дата пребывания: Июнь 2012
тип поездки: семья с детьми
здорово, очень понравилось!)
+ Комментарий от Aneliya
12.08.2009 06:10
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Дата пребывания: Авг 2009
тип поездки: семья с детьми
stayed in Lilia for the first time in 2006. I was very happy with the hotel so the next year i recommended it to my father and this year i stayed there too.
So, with the help of our travel agency in Romania, we stayed for at Lilia.
A very good choice. Clean rooms, very close to the beach(50m), a pool(not used by me), very good meals(a lot of variety in the evening). It is also a good hotel to relax. The staff speaks very good English . I recognized some of the same faces i saw in 2006(this is a good thing for me).
They have there a exchange office, recommended if you don't want to be fooled by the exchange offices on the street.
+ Комментарий от Сергей
14.11.2008 01:36
Аккуратно , прилично , удобно , чистенько .
5 **** Комфортно.
+ Комментарий от Elena Petrescu
30.07.2008 05:04
Дата пребывания: Июль 2008
тип поездки: пара в отпуске
Pluses: It's clean, close to the beach, pretty quiet, the buffet is good (there's a lot of food, for all kind of tastes, including vegetarians; two meals per day are more than enough), the stuff is normal; and that's all I liked.
Lacks: Refinement, style.
I didn't like the notes they put on each table of the restaurant, warning not tot take anything from the buffet in the room (I mean food); the fine was 500 bulgarian leva (i.e. ~255 euro)!!!
The room was pretty small for a 4 stars hotel, the colours were ugly (some kind of depressing blue in the room and an ugly green in the restaurant), the towels were poor, no style, no refinement! The TV extremely small and very hard to connect (I think we were the first ones who succeded to connect the cable :-), the walls are pretty thin...
They also give you a set of petty rules (in addition to the one above, with the food), for example: you are not allowed the bring guests (friends) in the room, you are not allowed to use the iron, you are not allowed to take any towel on the beach, etc., etc., etc. (the premise of all those rules is that any guest of the hotel is a potential thief or offender)!
It is a good hotel, but certainly not a 4 stars one!
+ Комментарий от Giliam Myles
10.08.2007 04:23
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Дата пребывания: Июль 2007
тип поездки: семья с детьми
This is the 3rd time we've stayed in Bulgaria and would recommend this hotel to if you require a fairly quiet location with no reps bothering you to join in day time activities.
The rooms are very spacious but basic, clean and safe and cleaned everyday without fail.
The mini bar in your room are very reasonably priced and the maids refill and keep a check on what you've have had throughout your stay.
In this hotel there is no entertainment and not much goes on in the disco either. However close by there are loads of resturants/bars etc to entertain you and the family..
The staff in the hotel are very friendly and we experienced no rudeness from staff (like a previous review). The staff in the resturant went out of their way to cater for the english and my father who is allergic to gluten. They prepared extra meals and even served them directly to his table andthen kept checking everything was okay. The staff advised is you dont see anything you like to ask and they will make it for(especially at breakfast.
The downside to this hotel is the breakfast, they do seem to cater for Germans, Swedes, Dutch, Russians etc (mainly sausages) but to be honest if you asked they made you other things.
The food in the hotel is very good, which varies everyday. My children are 16,12,11 and tried everything and enjoyed the food. As for the sweets, these always went down well. No funny tummys at all.
The pool service is great and as long as you give your pool card to the attendant he will bring you hotel towels and take you to a bed (or find you one). However, we spent most of the time at a swimming pool straight across from the hotel which hs a inflatable trampoline(in the water) and water slides.
The beach at this part of the resort is great and not as crowded at the other end. There are always beds available at a cost of 6/7levs each for a bed/matteress and parasol.
Things in Golden sands have increased in price since joining the EU but the prices are still cheap -large beer is 3.(Ј1) levs and cocktails are 6levs(around Ј2) and happy hour tends to be very popular now(last year not so many doing this offer).
Hotels in Золотые Пески
- Гранд Отель Интернациональ
- Отель "АДМИРАЛ"
- Отель „Мелия Гранд Эрмитаж”
- Arena Mar hotel
- Astera Spa Hotel
- Atlas Hotel
- Continental apartments
- Dolce Vita Sunshine Resort
- Excelsior Hotel
- GRIFID Noá Moko Beach
- Grifid Sentido Hotel Marea
- HVD Viva Club
- Ibis Styles Golden Sands Roomer Hotel
- Koмплекс „Магнолии и СПА“
- Oтель "Елена"
- SH Dolce Mare (ex.Splendido Mare)
- Sofia Hotel
- Vemara Beach Hotel(ex Kaliakra Palace)
- Апарт Отель "Одессос"
- Апарт-отель Парадайс Грин Парк
- ГРИФИД Отель Вистамар
- ГРИФИД Отель " Арабела"
- ГРИФИД Отель " Болеро"
- ГРИФИД отель Grifid Encanto Beach Obzor
- Комплекс Джоя Парк"
- Мадара Парк Отель
- Мак Отель
- Отель " Шипка"
- Отель "Алегра"
- Отель "Астория Палас"
- Отель "Дабле-три Бэй Хилтон"
- Отель "Лилия"
- Отель "Роял"
- Отель "Санрайз"
- Отель Голден Бийч Парк
- Отель и Казино Хавана
- Отель Луна
- Отель Метрополь * только для взрослых*
- Отель МИРАБЕЛ / бывший Еделвайс/
- Отель Престиж и Аквапарк
- Отель „ Берлин Голден Бийч"
- Отель „ Берлин Грин Парк”
- Отель „ Марина Гранд Бийч ”
- Отель „Хелиос СПА”
- СПА Комплекс Орхидея Бутик
- Grifid Hotel Foresta ADULTS ONLY
- Park hotel Bellevue
- Perunika
- Апарт-отель "Парадайс Гриин Парк"
- Апарт-отель Бендита Маре
- Отель "Амфора Палас"
- Отель "Детелина"
- Отель "Люляк"
- Отель Преслв
- Парк-отель Перла
- Cabacum Plaza Beach Apartments
Золотые Пески
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