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+ Commentaar van Ãåîðãè Ñòåôàíîâ
08.09.2023 09:28
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: september 2023
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van Cecilia Dumitru
04.09.2023 08:37
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: AUG 2023
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van ciascai marius
16.08.2023 05:06
Verblijfsperiode: AUG 2023
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van Ioana Moldovan
11.08.2023 10:54
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2023
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
the fridge didnt work; cleaning rooms needed more often, bathroom sink drain smelled; bad coffee - at least for me. Besides these everything was ok.
+ Commentaar van Constantin Stoica
18.07.2023 05:46
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2023
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van Íåæëÿí Ðåäæåá
18.09.2020 09:02
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: september 2020
Soort reiziger: vrienden/ reisgezelschap mee
×óäåñåí õîòåë! Ïðåêðàñíî îáñëóæâàíå!
+ Commentaar van Þëèÿ Äóäåâà
08.09.2020 05:10
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: september 2020
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
Ìíîãî ñìå äîâîëíè îò ïðåñòîÿ ñè â õîòåë Ëóíà,áèõìå ãî ïîñèòèëè ïàê.Ïðåïîðú÷âàì ñàìî çà ãîñòèòå íà õîòåëà äà ñà îñèãóðåíè ÷àäúð è øåçëîíã íà ïëàæà,äîðè è ñðåùó çàïëàùàíå.
+ Commentaar van Mãdãlina-Erica Lapadat
08.09.2020 05:09
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: september 2020
Soort reiziger: stellen
+ Commentaar van Àëåêñàíäðà Íàöêîâà
13.08.2020 06:13
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: AUG 2020
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van Åëèöà Îñåíîâà
11.08.2020 01:27
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2020
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
Ïëàòèõìå çà àïàðòàìåíò, êîèòî ñå îêàçà ñúñ ñòðàíè÷íà ãëåäêà ìîðå, äîêàòî ïî-åâòèíàòà äâîéíà ñòàÿ áåøå ñ ïî-õóáàâà ãëåäêà. Ïðåìåñòèõà íè âúâ ôàìèëíà ñòàÿ (ïàê ñòðàíè÷íà) ïî íàøå æåëàíèå, áåç êîðåêöèÿ â öåíàòà. Õîòåëúò å äîáðå êàòî íàñòàíÿâàíå, íî õðàíàòà å äàëå÷ îò î÷àêâàíîòî - íå å ðàçíîîáðàçíà, íå å îñîáåíî âêóñíà, ÷åñòî â ïîñëåäíèÿ ÷àñ íà âå÷åðÿòà äåñåðòèòå áÿõà ñâúðøèëè. Àêî ñòå ñ ìàëêî áåáå ñ êîëè÷êà èçëèçàíåòî îò õîòåëà äî ïëàæà èëè ïëàæíàòà àëåÿ ñòàâà ñ îáèêàëÿíå íà õîòåëà,çàùîòî èìà ñàìî ñòúëáè çà ñëèçàíå äî àëåÿòà/ïëàæà.
13.08.2019 02:00
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juni 2019
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van Åëåíà Ìèëóøåâà
22.07.2019 05:07
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2019
Soort reiziger: andere
+ Commentaar van Olivia Pal
08.09.2017 02:14
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: september 2017
Soort reiziger: stellen
Since we were not very keen to have the perfect accommodation, but rather have things to do, it was ok. One big minus is the problem with the sewerage in the bathroom. Another minus is not having a hotel beach. but the hotel view was nice,the room was big and the food was ok.
+ Commentaar van aleksandar
23.08.2017 12:27
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2017
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
I experienced an unpleasant surprise when arriving at the hotel. Namely, contrary to the claims on your site, parking, safe and internet in the room were not included in the price, and I did not plan that cost. I was forced to pay it in particular. That cost our two families about 250 leva. I hope that something will be taken about this in order to make up for these costs.
+ Commentaar van Radu Dragomir
31.07.2017 07:05
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2017
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
Excellent holiday in this hotel with large & clean rooms but the staff (reception) was not ok when at the check out said to me to paid again the parking and wi-fi even that I was paid in the first day!
+ Commentaar van VOLINSKI INNA
17.07.2017 05:13
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2017
Soort reiziger: familie met kinderen
+ Commentaar van Waela
21.07.2015 06:19
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2015
Soort reiziger: stellen
I will never recommend it for anyone at all, it was a nice vacation except the hotel thing was the awful part of it.
+ Commentaar van Komarov Alexei
08.09.2013 04:24
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2013
+ Commentaar van Nikola
21.06.2010 11:44
Naar een vriend mailen
Verblijfsperiode: Juli 2008
Soort reiziger: stellen
nice hotel in pleasent ambient, perfect location, near the center and only 50m from the very clean beach.
+ Commentaar van maria
28.08.2008 03:27
Luna hotel is nice hotel. its location is excelent, next to the sea, clean and nice food. The only think that didnt like me is that when i was going to make shower the water was cold.
+ Commentaar van Catherine & Sarah
03.03.2006 12:06
hotel luna was a gd place to go on holiday however, the sunbeds at the pool were always taken unless you got up at 6 to claim them. the bar and waiter staf were also very friendly sometimes too friendly if my drift. it is also a good distance from the popular clubs in golden sands so if you are looking for a lively holiday i would look else were as the night time entertainment was two singing and playing guitars which isnt exactly what we expected us being younge and lively teenagers looking for some craic. overall it was a nice hotel the food was nice enough but i doubt we'll be going back any time soon.
+ Commentaar van Mrs Wyatt
26.08.2005 10:52
We have just returned from our holiday in Bulgaria. The hotel frontage, reception and dining area is first class, however the bedroom was very basic (not 4*) and the bathroom was very poor, however I agree with the comments made by Hayley, that the cleaners were very sweet (they should really put them on reception!). Our air conditioning had not been fitted correctly, so we had to empty a bucket of water on a daily basis or the water would run down the wall and make a puddle in the room! This hotel is certainly more for Germans and as usual the Germans were quick on the uptake with the silly amount of sunbeds by the pool and their overall rudeness at breakfast. For the nine days we stayed here four sun beds cost us 120 pounds to hire out. The pool opposite the Luna were the most unfriendly people I have ever met. However, we did find that the staff around the water park pool were extremely friendly and polite. A word of warning DO NOT change money in the exchange booth opposite the Luna, it is the worst rate in the resort, it is worth the short walk to the booth in the water park for a rate the same as the bank. If you want to buy beach towells use the shop next to the exchange booth opposite the Luna, a man by the name of Emil owns it, he is absolutely lovely and speaks great English!
After staying in Sofia and Yambol, I would never go back to Golden Sands. The people are more welcoming and seem to smile more!
+ Commentaar van Hayley
14.06.2005 08:52
We have just returned from a week at the Hotel Luna. The overall standard of the hotel was excellent and the staff were friendly. The rooms were cleaned every day and the cleaner even arranged the sheets in pretty patterns! Make sure you use the Do Not Disturd sign though as they tend to come VERY early!!
The food was good for buffet style. There was plenty of choice and it was usually vaguely warm!
The only problem we found was getting a sunbed by the pool. The germans are up very early and take them all! There is a pool over the road and although you have to pay for sunbeds, it is well worth it. It was the cleanest pool I have ever seen!
The entertainment at the hotel is virtually non-existant. Just a man with a keyboard every night! There is plenty of entertainment in the resort though and it is much cheaper to drink out. We found drinks in the hotel to be expensive compared to the bars in the resort.
We would definitely go to this hotel again.
+ Commentaar van Dave and Marilyn 57 and 53
27.05.2005 11:26
Hotel Luna was terrific.
Great food with plenty variety.Staff were very helpful and pleasant. The hotel is at the north end of the resort and has 60 steps to the sea front .Thiis end is Quieter than the other but it only takes 20 or 30 minutes to walk slowly the full length of the resort or take the Noddy train for 35p .Drinks cigs etc are only 1or 2 lev (35p) But keep some small change for the loos (50 stinkies).
A visit to Varna is worthwhile .on the main road the bus costs 50p or a taxi(not hotel taxis) costs £3.50 and they offer to come back for you .In Varna the rip off money changers are queuing up DO NOT USE THEM. The gipsy market is opposite the Cathedral and the will cut each others throats to sell you a pair of "ggenuine origginal" brand name trainers for £5 The whole of Bulgaria seems to be a paradise for fake labels.
I would go back anytime even with the daily battle for sunbeds which starts at Midnight. the Luna manager has put up a notice in 3 languages but apparently nobody can read them.
+ Commentaar van Marian & Tim
29.08.2004 08:52
All in all had a great time in Golden Sands.
We went for two weeks and had rain on 3 occasions but they were all overnight and didn't really affect out holiday.
The hotel was lovely. Very clean, air con and mini bar in a very spacious twin room. Although the bathroom was tiny.
The dining room is all glass at the front so you get some nice views while eating. Its also non smoking throughout. The food was hot (which appears to be a bit of a rareity in Bulgarian hotels) and there was a reasonable choice. Always 4 different meat dishes every night, salad, veg and chips etc but it was a bit repetative and definately geared up to the Germans. The Luna does serve English food in the British Bar Terrace though. I would imagine it might be a little difficult at mealtimes if you had fussy children.
The resort was a lot more commercialised than I expected. There are girls trying to give you flyers in the streets but a polite no thank you always worked and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as other places we've been to. There are stalls all along the front and round by Bonkers selling cheap trainers and designer clothes, jewellry and gifts. I got some real bargains.
You do have to pay .50 lev to use public loos and there aren't usually loos in the bars, so choose where you drink wisely or it could be a long walk to the nearest toilet!
The only rip off we found was the sunbeds and parasols on the beach. For 2 sunbeds, 2 mattresses and a parasol its 21 lev, thats about £7.00 per day. And although the Bulgarians are very friendly they mess about and take their time when giving you your change and sometimes they don't even offer it which was frustrating since we had every intention of tipping anyway.
Everything we read about Bulgaria being cheap was true. Everything seems to cost peanuts.
We did 3 excursions. The jeep safari and yacht trip which was brill, the Balkan Fiesta which was also brill and the day trip to Romania which was awful - although we did enjoy the bus ride there and back. A word of warning if you do go to Romania - use the loos on the Romanian side of the border. I've never seen anything so disgusting in my life as the loos on the Bulgarian side - and yes you still have to pay your .50 lev for the privilege!
We aren't the type of people to visit the same place twice, but if we were I think we'd definately consider Bulgaria.
Hotels in Golden Sands
- Grand Hotel International
- Hotel Melia Grand Hermitage
- Astera Hotel-Casino
- Berlin Golden Beach Hotel
- Berlin Green Park Hotel
- Dolce Vita Sunshine Resort
- DoubleTree by Hilton
- Edelweiss Hotel
- Elena Hotel
- Golden Beach Park Hotel
- Grifid Encanto Beach
- Grifid Hotel Arabella
- Grifid Hotel Bolero
- Grifid hotel Vistamar
- Havana Hotel & Casino
- Helios Spa Hotel
- Hotel Allegra
- Hotel Astoria Palace
- Hotel Royal
- JOYA Park complex
- Lilia hotel
- Luna Hotel
- Madara Park Hotel
- Marina Grand Beach
- Metropol hotel
- Moko beach by Grifid /ex.Morsko Oko Garden
- Odesos Aparthotel
- Orhidea Boutique Spa Hotel
- Prestige Deluxe Hotel Aquapark Club
- Prestige Hotel and Aquapark
- SH Dolce Mare (ex.Splendido Mare)
- Shipka
- Sunshine Magnolia & SPA
- Vemara Beach Hotel(ex Kaliakra Palace)
- Amphora Palace
- Bendita apart-hotel
- Edelweiss Hotel
- Hotel Detelina
- Hotel Ljuljak
- Hotel Preslav
- Paradise Green Park Hotel & Apartments
- Park Hotel Perla
- Riva park hotel
- Cabacum Plaza Beach Apartments
Golden Sands
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Aanbiedingen in Golden Sands