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Hotel Royal Albergo 18 di 43 in Golden Sands



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Hotel rating:

hotel rating 6.6 out of 10 6.6/10 based on 9 commenti

Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3.0 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3.0 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3.0 out of 5 | 3.0 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 4.0 out of 5Posizione: 4.0 out of 5Posizione: 4.0 out of 5Posizione: 4.0 out of 5 | 4.0 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 3.3 out of 5Personale/servizio: 3.3 out of 5Personale/servizio: 3.3 out of 5 | 3.3 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 3.3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3.3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3.3 out of 5 | 3.3 out of 5
Alimentazione: Alimentazione: 3.6 out of 5Alimentazione: 3.6 out of 5Alimentazione: 3.6 out of 5Alimentazione: 3.6 out of 5 | 3.6 out of 5
Divertimento: divertimento: 3.2 out of 5divertimento: 3.2 out of 5divertimento: 3.2 out of 5 | 3.2 out of 5

+ Commento by
24.09.2019 07:46

I would recommend to a friendI would recommend to a friend

Date of stay: Sett 2019
Tipo di viaggiatore: famiglia con bambini

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 5 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Alimentazione: Alimentazione: 5 out of 5Alimentazione: 5 out of 5Alimentazione: 5 out of 5Alimentazione: 5 out of 5Alimentazione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Divertimento: divertimento: 5 out of 5divertimento: 5 out of 5divertimento: 5 out of 5divertimento: 5 out of 5divertimento: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Hotel Royal

+ Commento by
23.06.2019 05:12

Date of stay: Giuno 2019
Tipo di viaggiatore: famiglia con bambini

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 3 out of 5Personale/servizio: 3 out of 5Personale/servizio: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Alimentazione: Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Divertimento: divertimento: 3 out of 5divertimento: 3 out of 5divertimento: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Hotel Royal

Bell boy talking with me very dirty about parking.
Bartender was non-friendly.

+ Commento by
05.01.2018 12:39

I would recommend to a friendI would recommend to a friend

Date of stay: Dic 2017
Tipo di viaggiatore: una coppia in vacanza

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 2 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 3 out of 5Personale/servizio: 3 out of 5Personale/servizio: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 4 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 4 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 4 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Alimentazione: Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Divertimento: divertimento: 3 out of 5divertimento: 3 out of 5divertimento: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Hotel Royal

New years eve party was really nice. Good food but tables were really close to eachother.Payed for internet in room that did not worked. Some employees were really arogant. Low english skills for employees. Per total it was nice. I am looking forward for summer offers from you.

+ Commento by
12.07.2015 08:30

I would recommend to a friendI would recommend to a friend

Date of stay: Luglio 2015
Tipo di viaggiatore: una coppia in vacanza

Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Alimentazione: Alimentazione: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Divertimento: divertimento: 3 out of 5divertimento: 3 out of 5divertimento: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Hotel Royal

На основата на това,че хотела е на 14 етажа,двата асансьора са абсурдно малко, за да обслужват почиващите. Чака се повече от 15 мин. за да се качиш до стаята си-както бяхме ние на последен етаж.Храната НЕ Е разнообразна и е изключително блудкава,калорична и безвкусна. Хотелът няма Wi-Fi ,има такъв само в лобито...Мястото е неспокойно,инспирирано от наличието на нахални и груби чужденци...Недостатъчно място за паркиране...Басейнът също е малък на базата на претъпкания хотел.

+ Commento by
13.11.2013 11:59

I would recommend to a friendI would recommend to a friend

Date of stay: Sett 2012
Tipo di viaggiatore: amici/compagnia in vacanza

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 1 out of 5 | 1 out of 5
Alimentazione: Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5Alimentazione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Divertimento: divertimento: 2 out of 5divertimento: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5

Hotel Royal

Своего пляжа нет
Море зигзагами пройтись около 10 мин
Бармен, официанты приятные, отзывчивые
Питание хорошее, фрукты овощи неплохой асортимент
Интернета почти нет, ловить надо по всему рецепшину и то через раз
Номер без проблем, чисто, приятно

+ Commento by
31.07.2009 10:58

Date of stay: Giuno 2008
Tipo di viaggiatore: una coppia in vacanza

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 2 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 2 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 2 out of 5Posizione: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 2 out of 5Personale/servizio: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Hotel Royal

We found the staff to be very unhelpful and very unwelcoming. Food wasnt what most people would call satisfactory, and although we ate it some of the time, we didnt particularly enjoy it ! We found it hard to get served at the bar which was swarmed day and night by the German customers, and they certainly were favoured as the bar staff continually served them over and over while we were ignored and when we finally did get served they were rude. The manager actually came to us on the morning of our last day as we were stood aroung the bar/lobby area and snapped off our wristbands to ensure we didnt try to get any more all inclusive goodies. We didnt at all feel welcome and relaxed as we usually do in Bulgaria and definitely wouldnt recommend the royal to any one reding this review. For a small few pounds extra you can go to the Elena or Kristal, both very near the royal, and receive much better value for your hard earned money .

+ Commento by
15.04.2009 12:24

Date of stay: Sett 2008
Tipo di viaggiatore: una coppia in vacanza

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 2 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 2 out of 5Posizione: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 2 out of 5Personale/servizio: 2 out of 5 | 2 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 3 out of 5 | 3 out of 5

Hotel Royal

The hotel is located about 20 min walking from the beach with a good view at the sea. Rooms are fair enough for a 3 star hotel,(definitely not 4 star). Staff very unfriendly at the reception desk. Pay attention to what is advertised vs what you find there: I took a car and although when I booked parking was mentioned to be free, I was asked to pay extra 10EUR/day...

+ Commento by
20.10.2007 12:26

I would recommend to a friendI would recommend to a friend

Date of stay: Sett 2007
Tipo di viaggiatore: amici/compagnia in vacanza

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5Posizione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5Personale/servizio: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Hotel Royal

The hotel is very modern, with a bright interior design.
I've been to Bulgaria many times, and the cuisine differs much from the British, but the food and vegetables are always very delicious.
All areas are very clean, and well maintained. It is very close to the main attaractions in Golden Sands.

+ Commento by
28.05.2007 06:42

I would recommend to a friendI would recommend to a friend

Date of stay: Maggio 2007
Tipo di viaggiatore: una coppia in vacanza

Hotel rating: <b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5<b>Hotel rating</b>: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 4 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 4 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 4 out of 5Rapporto qualitа/prezzo: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Posizione: Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5Posizione: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Personale/servizio: Personale/servizio: 4 out of 5Personale/servizio: 4 out of 5Personale/servizio: 4 out of 5Personale/servizio: 4 out of 5 | 4 out of 5
Camere/sistemazione: Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5Camere/sistemazione: 5 out of 5 | 5 out of 5

Hotel Royal

The location is great we really enjoyed it. The beach is gorgeous. But be prepared to pay for the loo's EVERYWHERE including resturants and bars you eat and drink in!!! Also all the sun lounges ect!! The nightlife was just getting going and it was great be shaw to visit muppet bar. All the sales people are really annoying worse than anywhere abroard that iv been before, they try to get you to eat and drink in EVERYWHERE!!!
The food was absolutly revolting everyday and every meal. We were all inclusive but ate out everyday and every meal! Also the entertaintment was crap and catered for mainly French or German.
The rest of the hotel was nice, the rooms were lovely and big with air con and kept VERY clean. The all inclusive drinks were good although my boyfriend did'nt like the beer.

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