comentarios sobre el hotel:
Puntuación del hotel:
8.8/10 al base de 37 comentarios
+ Comentario de Àíåòà Òèõîëîâà
13.08.2024 06:45
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2024
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Êîíñòàíòèíà Êîñòàäèíîâà
17.06.2024 07:56
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Junio 2024
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Íå å äîáðå îáìèñëåíî èçõðàíâàíåòî ïðè ïðèñòèãàíå.Îêàçà ñå, ÷å ñ òðè ãëàäíè äåöà òðÿáâàøå äà èç÷àêàìå äà ñòàíå 15 ÷àñà, çà äà õàïíàò íåùî.  ïîâå÷åòî õîòåëè äàâàò âúçìîæíîñò òóðèñòúò äà ïðåöåíè äàëè äà ïîëçâà îáÿä ïðè ïðèñòèãàíå èëè ïðè òðúãâàíå.
+ Comentario de Äîíêà Ñàâîâà
30.08.2023 09:44
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2023
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Äîâîëíè ñìå îò ïðåñòîÿ.
+ Comentario de Nathan Cooper
04.08.2023 09:26
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2023
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Ìàðèàíà Ïåòêîâà
03.07.2023 07:26
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Junio 2023
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
Ëóêñîçåí è ìíîãî óäîáåí, ÷óäåñíà õðàíà è ìíîãî àòðàêöèè çà çàáàâëåíèå!
+ Comentario de Botea Ciprian
13.09.2020 02:46
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2020
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Liviu BABIUC
22.08.2020 09:14
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2020
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Meda Florea Elena
17.08.2020 08:03
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2020
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Çàõàðè Íåäåë÷åâ
17.08.2020 03:28
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2020
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Íÿêîè îò ñëóæèòåëèòå â ðåñòîðàíòà ñà äîñòà øóìíè ïðè îòñåðâèðàíåòî è íåïîõâàòíè.
+ Comentario de Roxana Matei
27.07.2020 05:44
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2020
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Resortul rămâne în topul preferințelor noastre, servirea ireproșabilă, curățenie la superlativ, personal foarte amabil și regulile de igiena se respecta întru totul!
+ Comentario de Jakab Csaba
18.09.2019 11:20
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Lubor Prochazka
16.09.2019 05:14
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2019
+ Comentario de Tudoran Mihail
12.09.2019 11:37
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2019
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
Really, the resort is in great shape but the food quality is very low.
You could simply increase the prices a little but provide good food.
Anyways, you can find a restaurant at the neighbor resort that has great view and food:
KALIAKRIA RESORT - Balcony restaurant, 5 minute walk from Topola Skies.
+ Comentario de Cristolovean
09.09.2019 12:22
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Given the fact that this is a resort targeted to families with small children and families I was very disjointed in the following:
- SOUND INSULATION in the room is very bad. you can constantly hear other children playing/screaming/running in other rooms. this makes it almost impossible to put our little one to sleep at his regular time & habit. Furthermore the music from the fountain at 21:30 can be heard quite loud in the room even with windows and balcony door closed.
- Tables were not clean and were always missing something: fork, knife, napkins etc ...
- I did appreciate the high availability of child seats at the tables, but unfortunately they were always dirty and had to clean it off myself. Furthermore some of them were damages and did not have all the straps to secure the toddler.
- I complained 4 times about internet not working and nothing was done.
We got a working password to the WiFi, we connected but the internet was almost in-existent (I guess bandwidth is not made to scale for so many users). During holiday I might want to read news, do some research online or watch my favorite show ... but not at this resort. I had to do few hours of remote work and spent all my roaming traffic for that.
- kids do not get a bracelet/tag at the hotel with the name&phone number of the parents. It happened twice that a kid was lost, just yelling "mama", we did not know what language she/he was speaking and no way to contact the parents. For a resort with so many kids and a high chance of one getting lost I would see this as mandatory.
- Drinks are terrible. I was aware of this from the reviews, but did not expect it to be so bad. There was no juice (only terrible soft-drinks/soda) and only drinkable thing was the still water, milk (only available in the morning) and beer.
Things that were ok, but could be improved:
- Food was varied and nice, but sometimes it was very sad to see that the seafood has finished. It is very frustrating when you (or your kids) see a dish on everyone plates, but you can not get it anymore because it has finished.
- The policy that you are not allowed to take anything from the bar/restaurant in the room. It happened to us many times that we just wanted some quiet time in the room with a desert, beer, wine or simply some fruits while I was reading. Well ... not possible, or you can buy them at your own expense.
- Pools are open until late in the evening, but pool-bars close sooner than mentioned on the schedule. Infinity pool-bar was closed at all times and close to the entertainment area there was nothing.
- We were ok with the beach being 15 min away from the hotel, but we were surprised in a bad way to find out that there was a tax to stay there. Only a small strip (1/3 of the beach) was tax free and that is because it was in a "Rocks falling danger zone".
- I could not find a schedule for the entertainment programs
- Restaurant menu displayed in advance would have been a nice addition.
To be fair and end the review in a decent and positive attitude, there were a few things that pleasantly surprised us:
- Room gets cleaned when you hang the "please clean my room" note. This is very important when you do not want to be disturbed during mid-day sleep of the child.
- entertainment service was really nice both for the adults and children. "Foam party" was a great surprise, "Mini-Disco" was a hit and "Pool gymnastics" was really nice.
- food was good, varied and you could always choose no matter the preferences (vegetarian, meat addict, finger food, soops or traditional cooked food). Also having fresh pancakes and a grill (with both meat and vegetables) everyday was a real plus.
- Indoor playing area was perfect for the days when it is too hot outside.
+ Comentario de Vlada Kalaev
03.09.2019 10:39
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de CATALIN CIULEI
20.08.2019 07:57
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de bulacu ionut
10.08.2019 05:07
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2019
+ Comentario de petru cercel
03.08.2019 05:19
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Stoica Andreea Iuliana
28.07.2019 10:07
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
+ Comentario de Ionut
28.07.2019 06:31
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Very good facilities.Entertainment team....not very prezent. The food good, but it repetate a lot. The beach is to small, but ok. I willy come back.
+ Comentario de Viorel Pantiru
28.07.2019 04:17
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
+ Comentario de Matei Roxana
27.07.2019 11:12
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
Suntem mulțumiți de ceea ce am găsit de data aceasta (am vizitat resortul și în vara lui 2018, dar anul acesta am regăsit totul la un nivel superior fata de anul precedent)
+ Comentario de Íèêîëàé Íèêîâ
22.07.2019 10:26
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Mihai Valentin
22.07.2019 05:14
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2019
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Best services and the entertainment team was amazing.
+ Comentario de Mihail Tudoran
18.06.2019 05:16
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Junio 2019
Some blocks of apartments/rooms are old, some new, but they ask the same price even if you end up staying in a old building. For example the building next to the entrance pool is new and refreshed very recently but the buildings that surrounds the center pool are not in such a great shape. Even considering this, the price is the same in all building so it's a matter of luck when the reception pickup your room.
Rooms are clean, swimming pools are great and clean, drinks are as you would expect into a all-inclusive deal, not very good but decent, for the money you cannot complain.
The only this I found to be wayyy below other deals in the same price range is the food... it's a shame such a great facility have such a low quality food.
Breakfast is ok, launch is like a 3 star hotel, dinner probably a 2 star hotel. Not saying that dinner is open till 21:30 but if you arrive at 20:45 for example the grill is closed and you will end up eating what's left, staff simply saying "we're sorry". If the food is what it is at least respect the serving hours.
Overall, for the money it's a great deal.
+ Comentario de Andy Bornea
03.06.2019 05:08
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Mayo 2019
+ Comentario de Lupu Aurel
13.08.2017 05:50
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2017
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Lisa Heyl
22.06.2017 09:16
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Mayo 2017
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
+ Comentario de Boscu Gabriela
22.08.2016 01:44
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2016
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Ìàðèíà Ìàðèíîâà
08.08.2016 05:20
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2016
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de bogdan neacsu
24.07.2016 07:27
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2016
+ Comentario de Ïëàìåí Âàñèëåâ Ïåòðîâ
24.09.2015 04:34
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Sept 2015
Tipo de viaje: amigos/compañía de vacaciones
Íà 23 ñðåùó 24 â 20 ÷àñà â ðåñòîðàíòà ïî âðåìå íà âå÷åðÿ çàïî÷íàõà äà áèÿò 1 êàìáàíêà è íè èçãîíèõà è îñòàâèõà âå÷åðÿòà íà ïîëîâèíà òîâà íèêúäå íå ñúì ãî âèæäàë êàòî âå÷åðÿòà å îáÿâåíà äî 21.30
+ Comentario de Äàíàèë Ãåîðãèåâ
31.08.2015 12:49
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2015
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Èçêàðàõìå åäíà ïðèÿòíà è ñïîéíà ïî÷èâêà
+ Comentario de Stoyan Ivanov
05.07.2015 07:57
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Junio 2015
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
Ñòàèòå ñà îòëè÷íè, íî êóöàò äðåáíè äåòàéëè- òðóäíî ñå îòâàðÿò / çàòâàðÿò âðàòèòå, êàñàòà íà åäíàòà âðàòà- /ñïàëíÿòà/ ïî÷òè ùå ïàäíå ..../àïàðòàìåíò 110, áëîê AQUA/.
Ñðàâíèòåëíî äàëå÷å å ïëàæúò, âúïðåêè ÷å èìà îðãàíèçèðàí òðàíñïîðò, íî ïúê å èäåàëíî ÷èñò è ñïîêîåí.
Âñè÷êî îñòàíàëî å ñóïåð! Çà ñåìåéñòâà ñ ìàëêè äåöà è õîðà íà ñðåäíà âúçðàñò. Ïî÷èíàõìå ñè áåç äà ìèñëèì çà íèùî!
Âåðîÿòíî îöåíêàòà íÿìà äà å òîëêîâà âúçòîðæåíà ïðè ïî÷èâàùè òèéíåäæúðè- çà òÿõ ëèïñâàò äèñêîòåêè è áàðîâå.
+ Comentario de Ivelina beletsova
01.09.2014 09:30
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Agosto 2014
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños
+ Comentario de Florin Vidolman
12.07.2014 05:05
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2014
Tipo de viaje: pareja de vacaciones
Good improvement , please keep the right direction you started. We will come back next year for sure.
+ Comentario de lora delcheva
29.08.2013 11:23
Recomendaría a un amigo
Fecha de estancia: Julio 2013
Tipo de viaje: familia con niños