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Places to go in Rousse
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News from Rousse
- Rousse applies new tourism strategy
- Bulgaria is more than a beach holiday destination
- Popular Ivanovo Rock Churches are open for tourists
- Nature Museum with a huge aquarium will open doors in Rousse city
- Bulgaria develops Danube cycle route
- History Museum in Rousse will present an exhibition for the development of sport
- Six Bulgarian towns nominated for European Capital of Culture
- Greek, Romanian and Macedonian tourists flock to Bulgaria for Easter
- Cheap Easter Holidays in Bulgaria: the choice is yours
- Bulgaria decreases the fee at the Danube Bridge
- Belgium holidaymakers visit Bulgaria due to alternative tourism opportunities
- Orlova Chuka Cave turned into historic and eco park
- Bulgarian erotic encyclopaedia presented in Rousse city
- Christmas and New Year Holidays 2011 cheap last minute packages
- Tourism in the municipalities along the Danube to be developed
- Mall Rousse opens doors
- Danube region becomes an attractive tourist destination
- Bulgarian and Romanian regions develop joint projects for cultural tourism
- Angela Merkel Visits Rousse in October
- ‘Weekend Tourism’ Festival in Rousse city
- Over 1200 Romanian tourists visit the charming Rousse in the next three months
- Music Show “Summer T2009” in Rousse to include folklore concerts, country, jazz
- Yacht harbour to be built on the Danube
- Danube Day 2009
- Rousse to host a tourism expo